- Earned value (earned value: A measure of the cost of work performed up to the status date or current date. 盈余分析(盈余分析:对到状态日期或当前日期为止已完成工作量的成本的度量。
- Analyze earned value calculations, including budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), schedule variance (SV), and cost variance percent (CV%). 分析盈余分析计算,包括已完成工作的预算成本(BCWP)、日程差异(SV)和成本差异百分比(CV%25)。
- It's this difference, or cost variance (CV: The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed [BCWP] on a task and the actual cost of work performed [ACWP]. 这种差异(或成本差异(CV:任务中已完成工作量的预算成本(BCWP)和其已完成工作量的实际成本(ACWP)之间的差异。
- ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已执行工作实际成本
- See Actual Cost of Work Performed Adaptation 已完成工作实际成本
- BCWP Budgeted Cost of work Performed 已执行工作预算成本
- The budgeted cost of work performed: BCWP 也称为已执行工作的预算成本
- A measure of the amount of work performed by a computer system over a given period of time, for example, number of jobs per day. 在给定的时间周期内,计算机系统能完成的总工作量的一种量度。例如每天完成的作业个数。
- cost of work performed 已完成工作量成本
- budgeted cost of work performed 完成投资额
- Actual Cost of Work Performed 实际工作开销
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。
- The full cost of the holiday fell upon me. 度假的全部费用都甩给我支付。
- The lazy woman wouldn't do a stitch of work. 这懒女人一点事都不愿做。
- The policy will put on the cost of living. 这些政策将使生活费上涨。
- Wage rates are calculated on a time basis,either daily or monthly,or on an incentive basis according to the volume of work performed. 计算工资是以时间为基准,按日或按月计算;或以工作量为基准,鼓励工人增加生产。