- The effect is faint on cost concept. Neglect partnership of cost and benefit. 这种方式的后果之一就是成本费用观念淡漠,忽视成本效益配比。
- Quantify, Track, Capture, Calculate &Report Every Cost and Benefit around Training! 量化、跟踪、捕获、计算、报告培训的每一分成本和收益!
- In combination with repair demand model, the cost and benefit are evaluated, and effective maintenance scheme for tunnel lining is chosen. 结合维修需求预测模型,通过维修成本效益的评估,对隧道衬砌维修方案进行了比选;
- The cost and benefit for participants of the interruptible load contract are analyzed, and the discrete customer types are used to express the compensation cost for the customer. 摘要分析了可中断负荷参与者的相关成本和效益,采用离散的用户类型参数来反映用户希望得到的停电补偿。
- This paper assesses the costs and benefits of the new approach. 本文评估这个新方法的优缺点。
- Taking Yueyang South Lake as example to inquire the analytical method of cost and benefit of environmental impact on tourism and holiday development zone (THDZ). 以岳阳南湖旅游度假区为实例,探讨了旅游度假区环境影响的费用效益分析方法。
- This text developed a portable, low cost and simple capsule endoscope medical system, we hope to be redounding to the popularization of capsule endoscope and benefit the patients. 本系统从图像数据的实时传输入手,采用已经成熟的USB总线的同步传输技术完成胶囊内窥镜的高数据率实时图像传输,同时将图像直接存储在计算机中,省去了体外图像存储装置。
- The confinement of the evidentiary effect and the demand for objective standard of proof will affect the action in cost and benefit .So the benefit of action is not definite . 而对证据的证明力和证据能力的限制,以及证明标准客观性的要求,会影响诉讼成本投入与收益,使诉讼效益出现随动性。
- In the opinion based on social cost analysis, the behavior “bao er nai” must be punished when the family have its social cost and benefit, because the... 以成本分析法看,自由与隐私权是社会性的,在家庭仍有社会成本与收益效应时,“包二奶”应得到惩戒,道德惩戒的成本低廉,但在陌生人社会作用有限,法律惩戒成本稍高,但收益可靠。
- When corporations do something to avoid tax,they have to consider the cost and benefit coming not only from proprietor but also from other stakeholders. 企业在进行避税时,不仅要考虑到避税给所有者带来的收益与成本,还要考虑避税给其他利益相关者带来的收益与成本。
- The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is urgent to be solved.The VRP concerns widely and should consider many factors.At the same time, it influences the service quality, logistic cost and benefit. 在物流配送业务中,配送车辆路径优化问题的涉及面较广,需要考虑的因素较多,对企业提高服务质量、降低物流成本、增加经济效益的影响也较大。
- The external environmental factor of influencing farmer"s decision have agrotechnical to popularize cost and benefit, big risk , popularize service system and neighbourhood relation. 影响农户决策的外部因素中,有农技推广成本与经济效益、风险因素、推广服务体系、社区及邻里关系等。
- In urban distribution business,the planning of vehicle routing in distribution will take great effect on the effciency, cost and benefit, especially in distributing for multi consumer. 在城市配送业务中,配送线路安排的合理与否对配送速度、成本、效益影响很大,特别是多用户配送线路的确定更为复杂。
- Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war. 战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。
- The purpose of it is to achieve the best result among quality, cost and benefits. 其目的是为了在质量、成本和效益三者之间取得最佳效果。
- It mainly affects in three facts:heightening specialization, reducing cost and benefiting innovation. 它能够加强专业化、降低成本、利于创新。
- Can accept and benefit from criticism. 接受他人正确的批评并从中受益.
- Table 1 presents the costs and benefits associated with a hypothetical project. 表1是一个假设项目的成本和收益。
- Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts. 对于水坝的影响作用、水坝控制水流的成本和收益进行恰当而科学的研究能够有助于解决这些冲突。
- Group of Experts on Cost and Benefit Analysis; 成本收益分析专家组;