- Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy. 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。
- The potential energy of certain spatially uniform fields can act much like a cosmological constant. 对某些在空间中均匀分布的场,它们的位能表现起来就像是宇宙常数。
- Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion. 因此,这膜上无法消除的时空弯曲就表现的如同宇宙常数,导致了宇宙的加速膨胀。
- In principle, physicists might like to examine one or a few vacua having the right cosmological constant to see if they offer testable predictions. 原则上,物理学家会想挑几个有正确宇宙常数的真空来检验,看看它们是否做得出可试验的预测。
- The cosmological constant produces a fixed “event horizon,” an imaginary surface beyond which no matter or radiation can reach us. 那是个假想的曲面,一旦距离超过这个界限,不论物质或辐射都无法抵达我们所在的位置。
- String theory, which unites gravity with quantum mechanics, offered the hope of explaining the attenuated cosmological constant. 统合重力及量子力学的弦论,似乎能为微小的宇宙常数提供一个合理解释。
- But okay, it’s also unnatural for the Higgs boson to have a mass less than the Planck scale, or for the cosmological constant to be much less than the Planck scale. 她强调,虾白点症病毒是一个宝库,相关研究除了可以在水产养殖业上有所贡献外,现在还从中发现可修改细胞周期重要的新颖蛋白质,对疾病有更进一步的了解,找到治疗关键。
- The leading candidate to explain dark energy's effects is vacuum energy, which is mathematically equivalent to the cosmological constant that Einstein invented in 1917. 要解释暗能量效应的首选,便是真空能量,它与爱因斯坦在1917年所创的宇宙常数,在数学上是等价的。
- The future of the Universe is mainly determined by the mean density of mass-energy and the space-time curvature, while cosmological constant does not carry any weight among popular cosmological theories. 现在流行的宇宙论都不考虑宇宙常数,宇宙的未来完全由质量能量的平均密度及宇宙的时空曲率来决定。
- Possibilities include the cosmological constant, equivalent to the energy of empty space, a modification in general relativity on the largest scales, or a more general physical field. 这里有许多种可能性,比如宇宙常量,真空区的能量等价物,广义相对论关于最大尺度空间的修正,或者针对更加宽泛的自然领域。
- This fact was demonstrated in 1990, when Hideo Kodama of Kyoto University wrote down equations describing an exact quantum state of a universe having a positive cosmological constant. 这件事在1990年就已证明,当时日本京都大学的小玉英雄写下了一组方程式,能够精确描述具有正宇宙常数的宇宙量子态。
- Thus, observers of the future are likely to predict that the universe ultimately ends with a localized big crunch, rather than the eternal expansion that the cosmological constant produces. 因此,未来的观测者极可能预测宇宙的结局是发生当地的大塌缩,而不是宇宙常数所产生的永恒膨胀。
- The cluster work, in combination with other studies, also provides the strongest evidence to date that dark energy is the cosmological constant, or that 'nothing weighs something'. 这些针对星系群所作的观测,与其他研究结合起来,为如下结论提供了目前最强有力的证据:暗能量就是宇宙常量,或者说,“用虚无衡量现实”。
- He also argued that the famous “Anthropic Principle” has recently received some experimental support, by predicting the value of the cosmological constant with at least a rough degree of accuracy. 作者还指出通过预测宇宙常量至少有一个粗略的精确度,著名的“人择原理”最近获得了一些实验性的支持。
- My project of placing an upper-bound on the cosmological constant by tracking the orbit of Pluto became the centerpiece of the team project in astroimaging at the Governor's School. 我通过追踪冥王星的轨道赋予宇宙恒量最大值的项目成为在管理学校的天文摄影的团队项目的主要项目。
- Some might become four-dimensional, others could contain only two rather than three generations of quarks, and still others might have a stronger cosmological constant than our universe does. 有的可能变成四维空间,有的可能只有两代而非三代的夸克;还有别的泡泡,其中的宇宙常数也许比我们宇宙的还大。
- Called the landscape model, it supposes that many universes with different cosmological constants are realized in a larger multiverse. 此模型假设在一个较大的多重宇宙中,存在著许多宇宙常数各异的宇宙。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- In the early universe, existing cosmological constant also provides an intriguing idea, inflationary cosmology, to fix long-standing cosmological problems in the Big-bang scenario. 这表明宇宙常数人为正的小量,我们的宇宙是一个加速膨胀的渐近de Sitter的宇宙[5]。 在宇宙的早期阶段,存在宇宙常数使得有必要引入暴涨宇宙模型以解决大爆炸理论中长期存在的一些宇宙学问题。
- Einstein's cosmological constant and the dark energy of cosmos 爱因斯坦宇宙常数和宇宙中暗能量