- Legally citizens are the subjects of both rights and duties. 公民在法律上既是权利的主体,也是义务的主体。
- correlative rights and duties 相互关联的权利和义务
- What rights and duties do riders of bicycles and mopeds have? 自行车和机动脚踏车有哪些权利和义务?
- A human being or an organization with legal rights and duties. 自然人;法人具有法律权利和义务的自然人和组织
- The Constitution clearly defines the rights and duties of citizens. 宪法明确规定了公民的权利和义务。
- The core of the enterprise ethics is the question of rights and duties. 企业伦理的核心问题是企业的权利和义务的问题。
- On the Relation of Ethnic Right and Duty. 论民族权利与民族义务的关系。
- This Statute does not prescribe the rights and duties of belligerentsand neutrals in time of w ar. 本规约不规范战时交战国和中立国的权利和义务。
- Everyone is equal before the rights and duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law. 人人在宪法和法律规定的权利和义务面前一律平等。
- The party awarding contract and the contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties. 发包方和承包方应当订立农业承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。
- In December 1974, the Assembly adopted a Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. 一九七四年十二月大会通过了各国经济权利义务宪章。
- In any country rights and duties are never absolute,but rather,they are relative. 在任何国家,权利和义务人来都不是绝对的,而是相对而言的。
- The unity between rights and duties is a basic principle of China's legal system. 强调权利与义务的统一,是中国法制的一项基本原则。
- Never in any country are rights and duties absolute,but rather,they are relative. 在任何国家,权利和义务人来都不是绝对的,而是相对而言的。
- He observes the customs, traditions, institutional life, the workings of government, and citizens exercising rights and duties. 他观察它的习俗、传统、制度化的生活、政府的运作机制,了解公民行使权利和履行义务的情况。
- The rights and duties involved in a tort case may arise from either statute or common law. 某一侵权案件中所包含的权利与义务,或基于法令条例,或基于判例法而产生。
- The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens. 公民学,研究城市事务和公民权利与义务的政治科学的分支。
- In any country rights and duties are never absolute, but rather, they are relative. 在任何国家,权利和义务人来都不是绝对的,而是相对而言的。
- The same rights and duties attached to the original person or thing attach to the substituted one. 相同的权利和义务由本人转移给替代者。
- Never in any country are rights and duties absolute, but rather, they are relative. 在任何国家,权利和义务人来都不是绝对的,而是相对而言的。