- correlation information model 关联信息模型
- See definition for Common Information Model. 请参见公共信息模型的定义。
- The schema is based on the DMTF Common Information Model standard. 该架构基于DMTF公共信息模型标准。
- DITA represents an information model for technical product content. DITA代表了一个技术产品内容的信息模型。
- The algorithm uses correlation information between different states to extract a group of basis vectors reflecting the codebook and adaptation data characteristics. 该方法利用状态间的相关性提取出反映码本和待识别语音共同特性的基矢量。
- The CM&A entities' profits will be lager than two domestic firms' M&A because of a foreign firm lacking of the local market's correlation information usually. 由于外国企业通常缺乏本地市场的相关信息,企业间跨国并购将比国内企业间并购收益更大。
- The registry information model that each site supports is based on this notion of shared specifications. 所有UDDI站点都支持的注册信息模型就是基于这样的共享规范的理念。
- Furthermore, after studying the correlative information of the Buddha, a method for repairing the face of the Digital Buddha Model is suggested. 通过研究卧佛的历史资料 ,对数字佛像模型进行修补 ,探讨了实现佛像表面三维可视化复原的方法
- Helping to present that gathered information is the standard Common Information Model (CIM), which is DMI-compatible. 标准的公共信息模型(CIM)是符合DMI的,有助于表示收集到的信息。
- The recorded correlation information can provide the charasteristic parameters of the vibration in frequency domine through frequency analysis. By using the noncontact optical method, there is no need to add an extra mass to the object. 由所记录的相关信息;通过频谱分析;可以得到运动的频城特性参数;这种方式是非接触式光测方法;对物体无任何附加质量的影响.
- Helping to present that gathered information is the standard Common Information Model (CIM),which is DMI-compatible. 标准的公共信息模型(CIM)是符合DMI的,有助于表示收集到的信息。
- The first CCC between yield traits and quality traits was significant at 0.05 levels and amounted for 51.36% of the total correlation information, The above CCCs in order were 0.8894, 0.8979, 0.7831. 产量与品质性状间的第1个典型相关系数达0.;05显著水平,占总相关信息的51
- An information model published by the Metadata Coalition (MDC) and widely supported by software vendors. 一种由元数据联盟(MDC)发布并受软件供应商广泛支持的信息模型。
- Traffic Management Services and Information Model for Interfaces between Operations Systems and Networks Elements. 在运行系统与网元间接口的业务管理服务和信息模型。
- A definition of a relationship between two interfaces, as defined in an information model. 两个接口之间的关系定义,如在信息模型中所定义。
- The paper also researches the information model of the system and the encapsulation of knowledge tree. 研究了知识管理子系统的资讯模型和知识树类的封装。
- Integrated product information model is established based on generalized feature according to STEP. 基于广义特征和STEP标准,建立了集成产品信息模型。
- The MIB and its information model of broadband PLC network management aredesigned. 设计了宽带电力线通信网络管理的信息库(BPMIB)、构建了MIB的信息模型。
- About the issue, IETF has defined a serial of information model to standardize these works. 在这个问题上,IETF定义了一系列的信息模型来规范这部分工作。
- statistical tap correlation information 信道参数统计相关性