- One is Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 其中一天是昨天,有过错误和忧虑、过失和失误、辛酸和痛苦。昨天已经过去,不再受我们控制。
- Yesterday with its mistakes and cares,its faults and blunders,its aches and pains has passed forever. 昨天的错误和忧虑,小错误和大错误,辛酸和痛苦伴着昨天永远离去;
- One of these days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares,its faults and blunders,its aches and pains. 有着错误和烦恼、缺点和失误、疼痛和痛苦的昨天,便是其中之一。
- One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 这其中的一天是昨日,昨日有着种种错误和顾虑、缺点和过失、疼痛和痛苦。
- We must be good at summing up experience , uphold the truth , correct mistakes and be modest and prudent. 要善于总结经验,坚持真理,纠正错误,谦虚谨慎。
- One of there days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares,its faults and blunders,its aches and pains. 这其中的一天是昨日,昨日有着种种错误和顾虑、缺点和过失、疼痛和痛苦。
- We must be good at summing up experience ,uphold the truth ,correct mistakes and be modest and prudent. 要善于总结经验,坚持真理,纠正错误,谦虚谨慎。
- Use a dark pencil (not a pen) so that you can correct mistakes and make clear photocopies. 用深色的铅笔(而非钢笔),这样既可以随时修改错误又可以清晰地复印。
- One of these days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. 其中一天是昨天,有过错误和忧虑、过失和失误、辛酸和痛苦。昨天已经过去,不再受我们控制。
- One of these days is yesterday with its mistake and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. 其中有一天是昨天,有过错误和忧虑、过失和失误、辛酸和痛苦。昨天已经过去,不再受我们控制。
- Having a certain skepticism about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers and professors even better by clarifying correct answers or correcting mistakes and misinformation. 对别人教给他的东西持有一种怀疑态度能够帮助学生督促老师和教授改正错误,进一步讲清正确答案,纠正错误的表达,从而使他们做得更好。
- They should be allowed to make mistakes and to correct them. 要允许他们犯错误,改正错误。
- Correct mistakes if you have made any and guard against them if you have not. 有则改之, 无则加勉。
- You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself. 你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。
- He never covers his mistakes and manages to correct them instead. 他从不掩盖自己的错误,而是努力改正。
- The best way to correct mistakes is to avoid them. 改正错误的最好方法就是避免犯错误。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。
- THE Bush era, with all its calamities and blunders, is over. 一路跌宕起伏的布什政府终于走到了尽头。
- We all make mistakes and we all pay a price. 我们都会犯错并且付出代价。
- Dare to face a difficulty, dare to admit and correct mistake. 敢于面对困难,勇于承认与改正错误。