- I've got the corpus of Shakespeare's works. 我有莎士比亚全集。
- And the teachings of Tibetan masters. 以及西藏大师的教导连接起来。
- Then taking the form of Tibetan monks. 然后取得西藏僧侣的形象。
- Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism. 拉萨是西藏佛教的圣地。
- Corpus of comparative study on oriental dance culture II. 东方舞蹈文化比较研究文集2。
- Is Baima a dialect or a subdialect of Tibetan? 白马语是藏语的一个方言或土语吗?
- corpus of Tibetan 藏文语料库
- Unique diagnostic and treatment methods of Tibetan medicine. 藏医独特的诊疗方法。
- Exploitation and protection of Tibetan pharmacological resources. 藏药资源的开发和保护。
- The corpus of the oboro are being used to against me? 这些胧忍的尸体被用来对付我?
- How long!I never think weapon of Tibetan can be such beautiful! 真的很长呀,想不到藏民的武器会如此秀美呀!
- A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church. 教义,教条由教堂以权威的方式提出与道德信仰等问题有关的一条或一系列原则
- Kage Bo is the peak of Tibetan Buddhism Holy Land pilgrimage. 卡格博峰是藏传佛教的朝觐圣地。
- Scores of Tibetan lamas claim to be reincarnate tulkus. 所以只能“出售”大量的白银。
- In current popular usuage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs. 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。
- In current popular usage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs. 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。
- Using this method, some corpus of Ren Ming Ri Bao is analyzed to find the neologism, and the outcome is convincing. 利用上述方法,对1991年人民日报的部分语料(约400万字)进行了初步测试,取得了良好的效果。
- Pharmacodynamics, pharmacology and efficacy of Tibetan medicines. 藏药药理、药效与临床研究。
- National Peoples Congress and its standing committee grow corpus of the constitutional law superintendence system. 在美国的司法审查制度下,宪法监督存在于整个司法系统,与普通的司法管辖并无本质的区别。