- corporation rescue accounting 企业拯救会计
- The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation rescues pensions of failed companies or businesses that cannot meet their plan's requirements. 养老金福利保障公司拯救了那些不能满足计划要求的失败的公司和行业的养老金。
- The Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill,which was introduced into the Legislative Council in May,aims to put in place a statutory corporate rescue procedure for companies in financial difficulty. 《公司(企业拯救)条例草案》于二零零一年五月提交立法会,目的是为有财政困难的公司引入法定的企业拯救程序。
- The Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill, which was introduced into the Legislative Council in May, aims to put in place a statutory corporate rescue procedure for companies in financial difficulty. 《公司(企业拯救)条例草案》于二零零一年五月提交立法会,目的是为有财政困难的公司引入法定的企业拯救程序。
- The army rode with whip and spur to their rescue. 战士们快马加鞭地赶去营救他们。
- The bank plan a rescue operation for the company. 银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
- Hour after hour passed without rescue forthcoming. 时间一个小时一个小时地过去了,营救人员仍然没有来。
- Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage? 你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗?
- Our corporation was formed in 1994. 我们的公司成立于1994年。
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。
- He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue. 他抓住一根树枝,直到我们把他救下来。
- A large, impersonal corporation. 一个没有人情味的大公司
- The rescue operation lasted three days. 救援活动持续了三天。
- It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。
- He made a valiant attempt to rescue the child. 他勇敢地试着去救那孩子。
- He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。
- The storm extinguished their last hope for rescue. 风暴使他们最後的获救希望破灭了。
- The corporation is rather awkwardly situated. 公司处境相当尴尬。
- There is no accounting for tastes. 人各有所好。
- My corporation banks with the Citicorp. 敝公司与花旗银行有往来。