- Staffers, managers and advanced supervisors who want to be familiar with Corporate Ethics. 希望掌握企业职业道德规范企业职员、经理以及高级管理者。
- Corporate ethics belong to the field of ideology, which do not produce any efficacy on the surface, yet in fact embody a kind of ethical value of efficacy. 摘要企业伦理属于意识形态领域的东西,表面上看是不产生效益的,实际上,它是体现效用价值的一种道德价值。
- Yet Howard Harries, who teaches corporate ethics in Adelaide, Singapore and Hong Kong, says research shows that, when taught, people can become better at ethical decisions. 在阿德莱德、新加坡和香港讲授公司伦理课程的霍华德?哈里斯(HowardHarries)表示,研究显示,接受过相关教育后,人们会更善于做出伦理决策。
- The functions of corporative ethic are found in its controlling effect,instrumental effect,and value effect. 企业伦理的功能渐次演绎为“约束效用”、“工具效用”以及“价值效用”;
- Corporative ethic chiefly includes the ethic of responsibility,which shows the responsibility corporations takes up for the society,and the work ethic concerning related beneficiaries. 企业伦理主要涵括企业之于社会系统的责任伦理和企业中“利益相关者”之间的职业伦理;
- The Corporation Ethic Construction acclimates the perfection of the market economy and the process of social spirituality construction, improving the enterprise image and achievements. 企业伦理的建设也顺应了市场经济完善发展的内在要求和社会精神文明建设的需求,起到了提高企业形象和经营业绩,促进企业现代化的健康发展的重要作用。
- The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。
- Ethics is a branch of philosophy. 伦理学是哲学的分科。
- A hemorrhage of corporate earnings. 公司财产的巨额流失
- Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. 但是,复兴不仅仅只要改变伦理观念。
- This company is concerned about its corporate image. 这家公司关心它自身的法人形象。
- Maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步
- The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that. 他的职业道德不容许他那样做。
- This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges. 这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。
- Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships. 李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。
- The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics. 那个女人是封建礼教的叛逆。
- A lack of corporate interest has made the subsidiary an orphan. 因缺乏共同利益,这家附属机构无人管理。
- They disincorporated the corporate company. 他们解散了该合股公司。
- What do you understand by business ethics? 你是怎样理解职业道德标准的?
- Theology should be the handmaiden of ethics. 神学应该从属于伦理学。