- The results are expected to help the firms of pelagic fishery fishing gears in Taiwan to find a solution while developing their corporate core competence and competitive advantage. 本研究结论希望能提供台湾远洋渔业渔具产业发展核心能力与竞争优势时之参考。
- The Rigidity and Its Exceed for the Corporations'Core Competence 企业核心能力的刚性特征及其超越
- corporate core competence 企业核心竞争力
- Thesecond part introduces the core competence theory in details. 第二部分主要阐述核心竞争力理论;
- How to outsource to strengthen the core competence to achieve more? 如何外包增强核心竞争力来达成更多目标?
- Value perceived by the customer is the real core competence. 能被顾客认知的价值,才是真正的核心。
- corporation core competence 企业核心能力
- Study Development of Chinese Life Insurance Companies Based on Core Competence. 基于核心竞争能力的中国寿险业发展研究。
- Core competence does not diminish with use. It is enhance as it is applied. 核心竞争力不会随着被使用而减弱,随着它的每一次被应用,它都会得能提升。
- The idea of core competence was introduced by Prahalad, C.K. in the year 1990. 核心竞争力这一概念是由普拉哈拉德于1990年提出的。
- Core competence proved to be the source of enterprise competitive advantage. 摘要企业核心能力是企业竞争优势的源泉。
- Operations must become a core competency. 运营成为核心竞争力。
- Logistics must be managed as a core competency. 物流必须作为一个核心能力来管理。
- The core competence is a magic weapon to vanquish the enemy in the market competition for real estate enterprises. 摘要核心竞争力是房地产企业在市场竞争中克敌制胜的法宝。
- Core competence is communication, involvement, and a deep commitment to working across organizational boundaries. 核心竞争力是指沟通能力,参与能力及跨组织间合作时深深的契约关系;
- Secondly, this article describes how the core competency of a corporate influences a corporate manages and how corporate culture affects core competency. 其次,介绍企业核心竞争力对企业经营管理的影响,企业文化对企业核心竞争力的作用。
- The sub-contracting to external companies of tasks considered to be outside an organisation's core competence. 将一个组织视为核心业务之外的工作分包给外部的公司去完成。
- The features of idiosyncratic human capital reflect the core competence of enterprises. 经营者异质型人力资本的特性体现了企业核心能力;
- The denotation of core competence included three levels: the base level,the conversion level and the supporting lev... 情报学核心竞争力的外延则包括基础层、转化层、支撑层三个层次。
- Do what you do best( your core competency) and outsource the rest! 现在的剧烈竞争的社会环境要求商业组织做自己最擅长的商业内容,其核心竞争力体现在只做主业,其余的尽量外包!