- Revenue derived from sales of corporate assets. 从出卖公司资产所得到的收入。
- Corporate assets are of two types: operating and nonoperating. 在书上我看到了一种FCF的自由现金流的方法。
- Cash dividends are distributions of corporate assets made pos-sible by earnings. 现金股利是由于盈利而增加的公司净资产的分配。
- If use the corporate assets certificate, it should be notarized and authenticated. 若使用企业资产证明,则须对企业资产证明进行公证及双认证。
- Balance sheet lists the corporate assets and balance sheet, which can show you the state of operation and financial condition of a company. 资产负债表列出了公司资产和负债的财务报表,能显示一个公司的经营状况和财务状况。
- Most of the corporate assets would be debased.Thus it's an important part of accounting to draw the value of assets debasing. 企业的大部分资产都是会减值的,因此计提资产减值准备是会计核算的一项重要内容。
- Sullivan, P. H. (2000). Value Driven Intellectual Capital: How to Convert Intangible Corporate Assets Into Market Value. John Wiley &Sons. 宋伟航(1999)。智慧资本---资讯时代的企业利基。台北市:智库。
- Yet information management supports SOA in that it deals with one of the most important corporate assets - information in both structured and unstructured formats. 然而,信息管理支持SOA,因为它解决了其中一个最重要的公司资产结构化格式和非结构化格式的信息。
- Stock market investors complain when private equity funds buy corporate assets only to sell them back to the stock market at a far higher price a couple of years later. 股市投资者抱怨,私人股本基金在收购公司资产的两三年后,以高出许多的价格卖回到股市。
- But before that happens, emerging economies' investment in foreign assets is likely to change its composition, favouring corporate assets rather than low-yielding Treasury bonds. 但这种情况发生之前,新兴经济体对国外资产的投资结构可能会发生变化,会更青睐企业资产而非低回报率的国债;
- The public corporate shares mentioned in these Provisions shall refer to the shares formed with non-State-owned corporate assets being invested in listed companies. 本规定所指社会法人股是指非国有法人资产投资于上市公司形成的股份。
- Our development team is recognized across Asia as a single source of innovative Auto ID solutions, from interactive inventory control to global corporate asset tracking systems. 我们的开发队伍在整个亚洲得到认可,是个具有创意的自动识别解决方案的唯一来源,涉及交互式库存控制到全球公司资产跟踪系统。
- Alan Brill, Senior Managing Director and Technologist at Kroll, explains why he and other security experts believe that tech-savvy terrorists can - and indeed may - do serious damage to corporate assets, beginning with information systems. 有专家警告攻击行动不只限于实体及生命的攻击,恐怖份子亦有可能透过电子作战、网路攻击方式,瘫痪各种通讯。
- Monitoring and managing potential conflicts of interest of management, board members and shareholders, including misuse of corporate assets and abuse in related party transactions. 监控及管理高级主管、董事和股东的潜在利益冲突事项,包括不当使用公司资产及不当的关系人交易。
- corporate assets;corporate culture. 社团资产;社团文化
- The West countries have researched the appliance of corporation assets deeply and formed systemic theories of divestiture in the long-term market economy practice. 在长期的市场经济实践中,西方国家已经深入的研究了企业资产的应用并且形成了系统的资产剥离理论。
- Three Basic Principle of Transfer Corporate Assets 论公司资产处置三原则
- corporate assets; corporate culture. 社团资产;社团文化
- He summed up his assets and liabilities. 他计算出他的资产和负债总和。
- He included some bad debts among his assets. 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。