- Fixed plastic core industrial caster. 固定塑芯工业脚轮。
- Bolt hole fitting plastic core industrial caster. 孔顶塑芯工业脚轮。
- One of HIMs’ aims is to cultivate core industry at THIP to make commitment to the hi-tech industry development at Huayuan Park. 海泰投资公司的一个重要目标就是为园区的高新技术产业发展尽心竭力,培育华苑产业区的核心企业。
- There are abundant tropical agriculture resources in Hainan.Tropic agriculture industry is the core industry for Hainan province to develop economy. 海南拥有丰富的热带农业资源,热带高效农业是海南经济发展的核心产业。
- In January, 2001, Suzhou Kesai Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. was founded. It took “the urbanization construction” as the core industry to facilitate the China's urbanization construction. 2001年1月苏州科赛投资发展集团有限公司成立(简称“科赛集团”),主要以“城镇化建设”为核心产业,着力推动中国城镇化建设。
- The DOH points out that the implementation of the new health-care program will focus on the strengthening of three core industries and seven systems. 卫生署表示,健康照护方案将以三大主轴产业、七项体系强化作为整体策略执行准则。
- NARRATOR: In 1945, Attlee's Labor government had nationalized the commanding heights of the economy, bringing core industries into state ownership. 旁白:1945年,艾德礼的工党政府将经济的制高点国有化,把核心行业都收归国有。
- Some fall under our core industries, such as tourism. Creative industries can be extended to cover areas such as community building and the creation of an urban image. 一部分创意产业,已包含在我们的支柱产业如旅游业之内,而且外延至相关的社区建设和城市形象等方面。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- It also presses forward with the strategic reorganization of military industrial enterprises and institutions,optimizes the allocation of resources,develops core industries,and gradually forms a batch of internationally competitive conglomerates. 推进军工企事业单位战略性重组,优化资源配置,发展核心产业,逐步形成一批具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- To promote further growth, the Chief Executive said Hong Kong would continue to consolidate development of the four core industries of financial services, producer services, logistics and tourism. 董建华说,为了促进香港经济继续发展,要继续壮大四大支柱产业,即金融业、工商支援服务业、物流业和旅游业。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- In 1945, Attlee's Labor government had nationalized the commanding heights of the economy, bringing core industries into state ownership. For Thatcherites, these state industries were now the primary target. 1945年,艾德礼的工党政府将经济的制高点国有化,把核心行业都收归国有。对撒切尔夫人的支持者来说这些国有企业是当前的主要目标。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?
- It also presses forward with the strategic reorganization of military industrial enterprises and institutions, optimizes the allocation of resources, develops core industries, and gradually forms a batch of internationally competitive conglomerates. 推进军工企事业单位战略性重组,优化资源配置,发展核心产业,逐步形成一批具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团。
- He is looking for job in the hotel industry. 他正试着在饭店找份工作。