- The kind will is the core concept and base in Kant's ethics. 摘要善良意志是康德伦理学中的核心概念和基础。
- Metaphysic has three core conceptions of logos, truth and justice, on the basis of which metaphysic built it's own system and affected the traditional poetic. 逻各斯、真理和正义是形而上学的三个核心概念,形而上学就是以这三个概念建立起自己的体系并影响到传统诗学的。
- Metaphysic has three core conceptions of logos, truth and justice, on the basis of which metaphysic built it"s own system and affected the traditional poetic. 逻各斯、真理和正义是形而上学的三个核心概念,形而上学就是以这三个概念建立起自己的体系并影响到传统诗学的。
- Content types are a core concept used throughout Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. 内容类型是Windows SharePoint Services 3.;0中使用的一个核心概念。
- The language world mapping (LWM) is the core concept of linguistic-cultural study. 摘要语言世界图景是语言文化学的核心概念。
- Patriotism is the core spirit of the Chinese nation, is the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, but also is closely linked to the core concept. 爱国主义是中华民族精神的核心,是中华民族的优良传统,也是荣辱观的核心。
- Jane Austen has always been known as a serious moralist, and accordingly "gentleman" is the core concept of her personal system of moral value. 本文将奥斯丁的道德思想定义为“绅士道德”,围绕“绅士”这一概念对其道德内涵及特点展开论述。
- Currently, the core concept of values, diversification, and individualization has shown drastic progression among consumers. 目前,其核心价值观念,多样化,个性化,并表现出激烈的进展当中消费者。
- As the core concept of "moral politics"thought, the idea of "th e people as the foundation"to some extent restrained the absolute monarchy. 作为“德政”思想的核心概念,“民本”在历史上发挥了制约绝对君主专制的作用,但它本身不包含任何民主的因素。
- Secondly, we should create and perfect, make it maneuverable of, the institution of the Villager Autonomy with its core concept of "Four Democracy". 其次,完善和创新以“四个民主”为核心的村民自治制度,使其具有可操作性;
- Verfremdung, a core concept in Brecht's theory, is closely related to Defamiliarization, a Russian Formalist's concept, and Entfremdung of Maxism. “陌生化”是布莱希特戏剧理论中的核心概念。它与俄国形式主义的陌生化概念和马克思主义唯物史观的异化概念有直接渊源。
- We also introduced the core concept of a central transaction context that allows components to access per-transaction information without synchronizing on shared pools or caches. 我们也引入了中央事务上下文这一核心概念,它使组件无需在共享线程池或缓存上同步,就可以访问每一个事务信息。
- Simultaneously, we also can see the logic progress from putting forward the core concept "life", to explaining its function, furthermore corroborating its position of ontology. 同时,从中也能够见出由提出“生命”这一核心范畴,到依循“体用不二”的传统论证方式阐发其功用,以确证生命的本体论意义和地往,进而展开整个思想体系的逻辑发展进程。
- As the “voussoir” of Kant’s two vital books, who is one of the greatest philosophers in human history, “freedom” is the core concept in his theory. 康德是人类哲学史上最伟大的哲学家之一,“自由”作为其两本最重要著作之间的“拱顶石”,更是其理论中最为核心的概念。
- Based on the “Honesty, Cooperation, innovation, perfection”spirit of enterprise, and the core concept validating the value by time, take part in the competition. 本着“诚实、合作、创新、卓越”的企业精神,以时间验证价值的核心理念参与竞争。
- And the architectural features of the case as a project, United States can establish "Pasadena" small town with our project "Pasadena" linkages, and this is the core concept. 作为项目案名和建筑外形,可以建立美国的“帕萨迪纳”小镇同我们项目的“帕萨迪纳”之间的联系,这才是核心概念。
- Government responsibility is "responsibility" for its core concept of responsibility to build the system, the responsibility of fulfilling its basic values. 政府责任是以“责任”为其核心概念,以责任体系的构建、责任的展行为其基本价值理念。
- As a representative figure of aesthetics the early Japanese Syouwa period, Ueda Juzo constructed his aesthetics and art system with "figurative" as the core concept. 摘要植田寿藏是日本昭和前期美学研究的代表人物之一,其主要贡献是构建了以“表象性”为核心的美学、艺术哲学体系。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- This glossary helps explain the core concepts and technologies associated with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. 此术语表帮助解释与Microsoft Exchange Server 2007关联的核心概念和技术。