- The core area of the test chip is 0.082 mm2. 整个晶片的核心面积为0.;082毫米平方。
- Boji-Meihua Dental Clinic located in the core area of Guangzhou Dongshan. 博济牙科梅花门诊部位于广州东山核心区。
- Expression and identification of the core area of Hantavirus nucleocapsid proteins. 汉坦病毒核蛋白核心区域高效表达及产物鉴定。
- In 1937, Taidong became a core area of tropical agriculture, largely due to its superior natural environment. 1937年,台湾热带栽培业盛极一时,由于自然和其他客观条件之优势,台东厅成为热带拓殖企业的基地。
- Residents in Yosemite's Zone A can enjoy both the facilities inside the core area of central villas and Yosemite's three specially designed clubs. 在配套上,优山美地A区不仅坐享中央别墅区大配套,更坐享优山美地三大定制会所。
- By the way,the roots weight of forbs is the most in the buffer area,and that of grasses &sedges is the most in the core area and the experimental area. 缓冲区的杂类草最多,而核心区和实验区的禾草和莎草最多。
- As an international standard five-star hotel, Chongqing Jin jiang Oriental Hotel is located at the core area of Chongqing New North Zone. 重庆欧瑞锦江大酒店,作为国际标准的五星级酒店,巍然屹立于重庆市北部新区核心地段。
- Huangyan Port Area is the core area of downtown Taizhou, with obvious regional advantages and promising development potentials. 黄岩港区位于台州市区的核心区域,区位优势明显,发展潜力巨大。
- In the general layout and the opened space of core area, Genghis khan, as a subject, makes an opened theme space with multi-artworks. 在总体布置中核心区的重点开放空间中,以成吉思汗为题,打造一个主题开放空间并放配置多个主题艺术品。
- Summary: 17 14 50 reporters on board a military off-road vehicles from the secondary Kitagawa Kitagawa leading to the core area of the county. 简要内容:17日14日50分,记者乘坐一辆军用越野车从北川中学直抵北川县城核心区。
- But because pass urban core area piece, be jockeyed the influence that waits for a respect, general when exercise speed per hour is 35-38 kilometer. 但由于经过市区核心区块,受到停车等方面的影响,在行使时一般时速为35-38公里。
- Shanxi Changzhi City Court Building, located in Changxing Choi Road No. 305, the urban core area, convenient traffic, extending in all directions. 山西省长治市财苑大厦位于长兴中路305号,市区核心地段,交通便捷、四通八达。
- Excessive machining to produce the final shape, which might impair the quality characteristics by for example exposing the core area, is not allowed. 为追求最终形状而过分机加工将会削弱质量特性,是不允许的,比如切削核心区域。
- Total planned construction GFA in the core area will be approximately 1.85 million sqm, of which the above ground GFA accounts for 1.33 million sqm. 核心区规划总建筑面积约185万平方米,其中地上建筑面积约133万平方米。
- Gaming "isn't a core area for either AOL or RealNetworks, but neither wanted to cede it to Microsoft," says John Corcoran, an analyst at CIBC Markets in Boston. 据波士顿CIBC市场调查公司的一名分析家说:“游戏并不是AOL和RealNetworks公司的核心业务,但他们不想对微软拱手相让。”
- A landslide dam located in the Huanghe upriver was formed by two landslides, then formed the harrier lake which is core area of national natural protection now. 摘要黄河上游某滑坡坝由两岸滑坡物质形成,进而形成了天然堰塞湖,附近区域现己成为国家自然保护区核心区。
- However, the illegibility of the core area"s meaning, the complex of marking it out and the incompletion of corresponding planning strategy encumber the development of core area. 然而目前普遍存在着对核心景区概念的认识不清,加上核心景区范围界定的复杂性,核心景区相应的规划策略的不完善性等等,阻碍了核心景区的发展。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- Yosemite, as a leading community in the core area of central villas, has seen its rental rates stay higher than those of other villas and keep rising steadily. 作为中央别墅区领袖级社区,优山美地的租金一直遥遥领先并稳步上涨。
- BES Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is a film from Taiwan God Group and the BES Group in the core area of Zhongguancun, a joint venture to build high-tech companies. 百世神州数码技术有限公司是由台湾神拍集团和百世集团在中关村的核心区共同投资兴建的一家高科技公司。