- Cogeneration, Diesel Groups and Gas Turbines support. 支持柴油机组,燃气轮机共同发电
- Only few public buildings adopt Gas Turbine Cogeneration. 有少数公共建筑采用燃气轮机热电联产系统.
- Three Years Cogeneration Practice in Shanxi Hepo Power Generation Co. Ltd. 山西河坡发电公司热电联产三年实践。
- Its unit selection and system configuration shall be suitable to cogeneration. 其机组选择和系统设置应与热电联产相适应。
- The principle of cogeneration is "with heat to determine electricity". 热电联产的原则是"以热定电"。
- The company and common coproduction of Germany have the high Europe style grade (Bach) piano. 公司与德国共同合作生产具有欧洲风格的高档次(巴赫)钢琴。
- Shuangyushu Heating Plant will be expanded and Caoqiao Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant built. 完成双榆树供热厂扩建工程及草桥燃气热电厂新建工程。
- Configuration, analysis and evaluation of such coproduction system are very important research issues. 构成、分析、评价这类多联产系统是其中很重要的研究内容之一。
- As one bioenergy technology, straw-fired cogeneration technology can provide clean energy in rural areas in China. 作为一种生物质利用技术,秸秆直燃发电能够为广大农村地区提供清洁的能源。
- Investors may gain its right of usage through coproduction or leasing to conduct high-grade renovation. 通过合作或租赁方式取得使用权,对其进行高档次、高品位的改造。
- The accessory projects of outside heat supply network for Gaobeidian Cogeneration Plant and other heat-supply networks will be completed. 完成高碑店热电厂外网配套工程以及其他管网工程。
- Investors are appreciated to offer capital, equipments, technologies and information in the forms of solo investment, joint venture, and coproduction. 建议客商带资金、设备、技术、信息,采取独资、合资、合作等多形式开发。
- Tests the thermodynamic performance of a Stirling cogeneration device with smoke waste heat recovery device. 测试了一台带有烟气余热回收装置的斯特林热电联产装置的热力性能。
- Future work will look at the both coal and petroleum coke gasification for electric power with the coproduction of liquid transportation fuels. 今后的工作将看看在两个煤和石油焦气化电力与联产液体运输燃料。上面的翻译不太准确,请大家帮帮忙!谢谢!!!
- Support facilities including a 300,000 ton crude berth and power cogeneration will also be built. 该项目还将建设30万吨级原油码头、热电联产装置等公用工程配套设施。
- Followed, it concucts increasing coproduct steam and unit energy cost in the process of methanol refined is reduced. 同时副产蒸汽增多,甲醇精制过程单位能耗降低。
- Economical Efficiency Analysis of Power and Heat Cogeneration in Shanxi Hepo Power Generation Co. Ltd. 河坡电厂热电联产供热经济性分析。
- This work may be valuable to system integration of coproduction system based coal gasification and other advanced clean coal technologies. 这部分工作可为以煤气化为核心的多联产技术和其他先进洁净煤技术的系统集成方法提供有益的借鉴。
- ExxonMobil's current cogeneration capacity reduces global CO2 emissions by over 10.5 Million metric tons annually. 埃克森美孚公司目前的联合发电生产每年的全球二氧化碳排放量降低了1050多万吨。
- Caoqiao Gas-fired Cogeneration Plant, Taiyanggong Gas-fired Cogeneration Plant, and gas turbine units of the Third Cogeneration Plant (phase I and II) will be constructed. 建设草桥燃气热电厂、太阳宫燃气热电厂、第三热电厂燃气发电机组一期和二期工程。