- A simple DW Method for Copper wire Net 铜丝网扩散焊接简易方法
- The bird got entangled in the wire netting. 鸟被金属网缠住。
- copper wire netting 铜丝网
- The bird had become entangled in the wire netting. 那只小鸟被铁丝网缠住了。
- Place copper wire at back of radio. 将铜线插在收音机后。
- Tonggan, copper wire processing manufacturing. 铜杆,铜丝加工制造。
- They try to use the wire netting to surround the garden. 他们试用铁丝网把花园围起来。
- copper wire net 铜丝网
- A human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness. 一根头发比同等粗细的铜丝还要结实。
- Thin fiber optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire. 细小的光纤电缆取代了巨大的、以吨论的铜线。
- A copper wire allows a larger current than does an iron wire. 铜丝导电比铁丝强。
- And the pulses would travel over glass fibres, not copper wire. 并且脉冲能够通过玻璃纤维承载,不是铜丝。
- Combine the copper basket and the pliers to get copper wire. 组合钳子和水果篮得到铜线。
- Thin fiber optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire . 细小的光纤电缆取代了巨大的、以吨论的铜线。
- The rabbits couldn't get under the wire netting,so for once we were able to grow some vegetables. 兔子无法从铁丝网下面钻进来,我们总算可以种些蔬菜了。
- Adam whistled cheerfully as he tacked up the wire netting round the tennis court. 亚当一面钉网球场周围的铁丝网,一面高兴地吹口哨。
- Wire netting covered the back wall of the niche, which still occasionally rattles with falling rocks and stones. 铁丝网包覆佛龛后墙,但岩块碎石仍不时隆隆崩落。
- In the copper wires, with the num... 在铜导线中,随晶界数的增加,导线的电阻率增加。
- Copper wires are highly conductive. 铜线的导电性很好。
- The rabbits couldn't get under the wire netting,so for once we were able to grow a few vegetables. 兔子没法从金属网下面钻进来,所以我们总算能够种些蔬菜了。