- Keywords chalcone;hydrogen bond;crystal chemistry;cooperative hydrogen bond;resonance effect;photocycloaddition;NLO; 查耳酮;氢键;协同氢键;晶体化学;共振氢键;环加成;非线性光学效应;
- cooperative hydrogen bonding 协同氢结合
- Hydrogen bonding between successive coils holds the helix together. 氢键维持着螺旋的稳定。
- One MH was entrapped by two MAAs in methanol through hydrogen bond. 表明在甲醇中1个抑芽丹与2个甲基丙烯酸通过氢键形成复合物。
- The energy of the hydrogen bond is largely electrostatic in origin. 氢键的能量从本质上说主要是静电。
- These properties are due to a unique kind of a bond known as the hydrogen bond. 这些特性的存在是由于一种独特的结合力,即人们所知道的氢键。
- Hydrogen bonding between water molecules occurs not only in liquid Wa er but also in ice and in water vapor. 水分子间的氢键不仅存在于液态水中,也存在于冰和水蒸气中。
- Nitric acid molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds. 硝酸分子以氢键互相连结。
- The major bond of conjugation in the formation of complex was probably in the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interaction. 在复合物形成中主要的结合键可能是氢键,以及疏水性作用力。
- Hydrogen bond that are the glue holding groups of water molecules together are so plentiful in water that they play a large role in determining its properties. 在水中,存在着大量的将水分子胶粘在一起的氢键,因此氢键在决定水的特性方面发挥了巨大的作用。
- The hydrogen bonding that takes place between water molecules accounts for some of the remarkable and vital properties of water. 水分子之间的氢键解释了水的某些特具的和维持生命所必需的性质。
- The applications, proparations and characterization for intermacro-molecular complex through hydrogen bonding howe been reviewed. 综述了高分子氢键复合物的制备方法和表征方法,及其应用前景。
- In chapter II, multilayer films of PAA/P2VP were successfully prepared based on hydrogen bonding as driving force. 在第二章中,成功地实现了基于氢键的聚2-乙烯基吡啶和聚丙烯酸的自组装多层膜的制备。
- It was also demonstrated by IR analysis that the hydrogen bonding between HDI based hard segments ... 同时IR结果证明,HDI形成的硬段间的氢键作用更强,从而得到了比芳香族形状记忆聚氨酯更高的形变回复率。
- It was found that the adsorption of proanthocyanidins on DTA, ADS-8 and ADS-17 was driven by both hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen bonding. 结果表明,DTA、ADS-8、ADS-17对原花青素的吸附既包含疏水作用又有氢键参与。
- Dark purple regions contain a greater acceptor/donor density and light purple regions indicate areas where hydrogen bonding is less likely to occur. 经过多次循环,这种先导化合物就会被优化为一组具有高亲和力的结构。
- By population analysis the hydrogen bonding is found between the electron donor O atom and the electron acceptor H atom. 通过电子布居分析;发现在电子给予体O原子和电子接受体H原子间存在氢键.
- The linear glucan molecules of cellulose are bound together by hydrogen bonds. 纤维素中直链葡聚糖分子由氢键连接在一起。
- The polarity of mobile phase increased with the increasing of TEA concentration, so the hydrogen bonding between solutes and CSPs decreased. 这可能是因为三乙胺的增加使流动相的极性增加,溶质与手性固定相间的氢键减弱。
- Are the hydrogen bonding patterns between the strands of the jelly roll fold equivalent for all pairs of strands? If not, where do they differ? 是否所有成对的股与股之间的瑞士卷摺叠对等体的氢键分布皆相同?如果不是,它们的差异为何?