- Wei Bao gang.A Research on cooperation design technology.China mechanic engineering. 魏宝刚。协同设计技术研究。中国机械工程。
- software and hardware cooperation design 软硬件协同设计
- When CSCW is introduced to design area, it is CSCD (Computer Supported Cooperative Design). 计算机支持的协同设计(CSCD)是计算机支持的协同工作中的一个重要领域,将协同工作的理论应用于设计系统就是计算机支持的协同设计。
- Computer Supported Cooperative Design (CSCD) is a special application of CSCW in the design area. 计算机支持协同设计(CSCD)是计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)理论和技术在设计领域里的具体应用。
- Cooperative design system is a new research field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) used in the area of engineering design. 协同设计系统是计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)在工程设计领域的应用,也是网络环境下工程设计自动化的关键技术和研究热点。
- A method based on sharing interface is proposed to implement synchronal cooperative design independent from operation and application system. 摘要提出了基于界面共享的方法,实现了独立于操作和应用系统的同步协同设计;
- A correlation-based methodology to solve the problem of resource sharing conflict in the synchronal cooperative design process is proposed. 摘要提出基于关联关系的资源调度策略,以解决同步协同设计技术所面临的共享冲突的难点问题。
- Product structure and configuration management (PSCM) was researched in the PDM system that supported cooperative design. 本文主要研究支持协同设计的产品数据管理系统中的产品结构与配置管理功能的设计与实现。
- The CSCD(Computer Supported Cooperative Design) is derived and developed from CSCW theory, and is a concrete application of CSCW. 分布式协同设计技术是从CSCW理论研究发展过来的,分布式协同设计技术利用计算机网络技术、人机接口技术、多媒体技术把时间上分离、空间上分隔而在项目开发中又相互联系的设计团队、设计任务、设计过程有机的集成,实现高质量、低成本的产品开发。
- With the increasing complexity of product function and structure, Product Multidisciplinary Cooperative Design (PMCD) becomes fairly necessary. 随着产品功能和结构的日趋复杂,产品多领域协同设计成为必然。
- They urged on us the need for cooperation. 他们向我们强调合作的必要性。
- Computer Support Cooperative Design (CSCED)is a branch of Computer Support Cooperative Work(CSCW). Computer Support Cooperative Design System(CSCEDS)is the realization of CSCED. 计算机支持协同工程设计(CSCED)是计算机支持协同工作(CSCW)的一个分支,计算机支持协同工程设计系统(CSCEDS)是CSCED的具体实现。
- I need your cooperation in this subject. 在这个项目上我需要你的合作。
- Computer support cooperative design(CSCD) is a important branch of computer support cooperative work (CSCW),CSCD system(CSCDS) is the realization of CSCD. 计算机支持协同设计(CSCD)是计算机支持协同工作(CSCW)的一个重要分支,CSCD系统(CSCDS)是CSCD的具体实现。
- Let's hope for good cooperation between us! 让我们共同期待着进行良好的合作吧!
- A 3D solid modeler developed on ACIS 3D modeling platform with the capacity of computer-supported cooperative design (CSCD) function is presented in this paper. 本文在ACIS几何造型平台上进行了具有协同设计功能的三维电磁场有限元分析实体建模软件的开发,通过三维实体建模软件的开发和协同设计功能的实现,完成了课题研究工作。
- I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line is busy. 我试着打电话给库珀先生,但是线路忙。
- Nebulous assurances of future cooperation. 对未来合作的含糊的保证
- Computer Supported Cooperative Design (CSCD) is the process that many design groups complete one product development project divisibly and collaboratively. 协同设计是多个设计小组通过分工与协作共同完成一个产品开发项目的过程。
- There is a tendency towards regional cooperation. 有一种地区性合作的趋势。