- The Compatibility of Products and the Cooperation and Competition Between Firms? 产品兼容性和企业的合作与竞争?
- Swarm intelligence instructed optimization research is produced by cooperation and competition among swarms in colony. 它是基于群体智能理论的优化算法,是一种种群的全局搜索策略。
- Children should be encouraged to take part in organized sports, for they can foster a sense of cooperation and competition. 应该鼓励孩子参与有组织的运动,因为他们从中可以培养合作和竞争意识。
- This sensitivity is not surprising given that the group life of capuchin monkeys revolves around the same mixture of cooperation and competition that marks our own societies. 珊米会这麽敏感,并不出人意料,因为卡布钦猴的群居生活,以合作与竞争为中心,与人类的社会生活一样。
- In the cooperation and competition, culture will be the forerunner, science and education the keys, and economy the basis. 在合作和竞争中,文化是先导,科技是关键,经济是基础。
- The labor division, cooperation and competition among megapolis will decide the world economic and political setup in the future. 城市群之间的分工、合作和竞争将决定未来世界经济、政治的格局。
- By both "bringing in" and "going out",we should actively participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition and open wider to the outside world. 坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合,积极参与国际经济技术合作和竞争,不断提高对外开放水平。
- By both "bringing in" and "going out", we should actively participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition and open wider to the outside world. 坚持“引进来”和“走出去”相结合,积极参与国际经济技术合作和竞争,不断提高对外开放水平。
- We need to actively participate in international economic cooperation and competition on a broader scale and in greater depth and complete our tasks for the first year of China's membership in the WTO. 我们要以积极的姿态,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争,切实做好加入世贸组织第一年的各项工作。
- The Chinese Government will unswervingly implement the opening-up policy. It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition in width and depth. 中国政府将坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,以更加积极地推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。
- China will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-rangingopening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth. 中国政府将更加积极地推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。
- On the premise of strictly honoring its international commitments, China encourages and supports participation in international cooperation and competition in civilian-military industries. 中国在严格遵守国际承诺的前提下,鼓励和支持在军民两用产业领域参与国际合作和竞争。
- All-directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at greater width and depth. Years.China's stance remains the same. 中国政府将坚定不移的实行对外开放政策,以更加积极的推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围和更深。
- It consists in the habits of understanding, which are set up in using objects in correspondence with others, whether by way of cooperation and assistance or rivalry and competition. 这种控制方法有理解的习惯,这种习惯是通过和别人一致地去使用事物养成的,或是通过合作和协助,或者通过竞争。
- The essentiality of regional ECI is coupling-based interaction innovation(CII)because its formation is the result of interactive learning, cooperation and competition among cluster actors. 区域企业集群创新实质为耦合互动创新,这是因为区域企业集群创新的形成是集合主体交互学习合作竞争的结果,主体间交互学习的实现是以区域企业集群内顺畅而有效的知识转移和交流为前提的,而企业集群中主体间的接近性耦合是知识顺畅转移和交流的保证。
- Thus, it can be a proper logic basis for describing multi-Agent cooperation and competition that involve concurrent, and it can advance the work in Agent models developed by Rao & Georgeff, Singh and Werner et al. 为基于并发的多Agent合作和竞争提供了合适的逻辑基础;推进了Rao &Georgeff;Singh和Werner等人有关Agent模型方面的工作.
- It will more vigorously promote all-directional, Love ulti-tiered and wide-range opening-up and take part uin international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth. 将会更加积极地推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围内和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。
- It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-range opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth. 从更宽角度和更深层次去开放和参加国家经济合作以及竞争将会在全方面,多层次和大范围得到更强有力的提升。
- This was cooperation and democracy at their best. 这是通力合作和民主作风的大发扬。
- The competitive pattern of bespattering others to benefit oneself has disappeared.All corporations should choose new competitive pattern of cooperation and competition. 完全损人利己的竞争时代已经结束,企业应选择合作竞争的新型模式。