- A policy or practice of cooperation among nations,especially in politics and economic matters. 国际友好合作方针多国之间,特别是有关政治和经济事务合作的政策或惯例。
- The key to penalize the crime of international terrorism is to form the international convention of anti-terrorism and strengthen cooperation among nations within the framework of global safety. 惩治国际恐怖主义犯罪,关键是制定统一的反恐怖主义犯罪的国际公约以及在国际集体安全框架下进一步加强国家间的合作。
- Self-examination in the post SARS period:well cooperation among national policies, hospital administrations and the public can make HEICS most effective !! 后SARS时期之反省:国家政策、医院内部、以及社区民众之间的互相配合,才能使医院紧急应变指挥系统发挥作用。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- cooperation among nations [法] 国际合作
- Counter-terrorism efforts become an important item of cooperation among Southeast Asian nations,and between ASEAN countries and the United States. 反恐怖主义活动成为东南亚国家间合作关系,和亚细安成员国及美国合作关系中的重要项目。
- D, Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild. D,在猴子之中的合作只有在荒野中保持稳定。
- Counter-terrorism efforts become an important item of cooperation among Southeast Asian nations, and between ASEAN countries and the United States. 反恐怖主义活动也成为东南亚国家间合作关系,和亚细安成员国及美国合作关系中的重要项目。
- The communication among nations always result in language contact. 民族交往导致语言接触。
- How was the world supply of commodity money shared among nations? 各国间是怎样分配商品货币的世界供应量的呢?
- A well-designed departmental website can deepen cooperation among students. 一个良好设计的网站能加深学生间的合作。
- Economic interdependence among nations has been deepened. The role played by global and regional economic cooperation organizations is on the increase. And economic security has been given even more attention. 各国经济相互依存加深,全球和区域经济合作组织的作用增强,经济安全更加受到重视。
- We wish for the reign of law and freedom among nations and within nations. 我们所盼望的是法治,是各国之间和各国内部的自由。
- Y2K problem is a global one demanding extensive international exchanges and cooperation among various countries. 计算机2000年问题是全球性问题,需要进行广泛的国际交流与合作。
- All countries should promote mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and cooperation,and seek the settlement of divergences and disputes among nations through peaceful means. 各国应通过对话与合作增进相互了解与信任,谋求以和平方式解决国家间的分歧和争端。
- America's economic future depends upon increased cooperation among government, union, and management. 美国经济的前途有赖于政府、工会和资方更加通力合作。
- Our conclusions about Mount Saint Helens are the product of interaction and cooperation among many scientists. 我们对圣海伦斯火山作出的结论是许多科学家共同协作的成果。
- All countries should promote mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and cooperation, and seek the settlement of divergences and disputes among nations through peaceful means. 各国应通过对话与合作增进相互了解与信任,谋求以和平方式解决国家间的分歧和争端。
- The unity and cooperation among the various ethnic groups have helped to safeguard China as a united multi-ethnic state. 中国各民族团结合作,共同捍卫了统一的多民族国家。
- The report made much of the fact that there had not been enough cooperation among the department heads. 该报告强调各部门负责人没有尽力合作。