- You'll like it better when you understand it more. 当你对它更了解时,你就会更喜欢它。
- He added sand to the soil to make it more porous. 他往土里掺了些沙子以提高渗水性能。
- The food will taste more delicious if you cook it with razor clam oil. 如果用蛏油烹调,味道会更加鲜美。
- Do you mind teaching me how to cook it? 你介不介意教我怎么做这道菜?
- She had a more thorough conviction of his talents. 她对他的才能有了更深入的体会。
- Leave this frozen food to thaw before you cook it. 把这冷冻食品解冻後再煮。
- Screeners search carry-ons more thoroughly. 对手提行李的乘客的荧屏检测也更为彻底。
- Please do not use any salt when you cook it. 煮的时候不要加盐。
- Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it. 把肉用锡箔裹起来后再烧。
- You can spin it more with a backhand. 你可以反手击球使球旋转更厉害。
- I hope you can cook it just as before. 我希望你能煮得像以前一样。
- She gilds the truth to make it more palatable. 她掩饰着真相并使它更有趣味性。
- Gut the rabbit before you cook it. 烧煮之前先把兔子的内脏取出。
- Dr Bach, therefore, interrogated his data more thoroughly. 因此,巴赫对自己的数据进行了更为彻底的分析。
- You put food inside an oven to cook it. 你把食物放进烤箱里热一下。
- Betty: Dip your food in the soup to cook it. 贝蒂:把你要吃的食材浸在汤里煮。
- Therefore,we must be a little more thorough in our work. 所以,我们要搞得深入一些。
- Should I cook it over a low flame? 我应该用小火吗?
- You can spin it more with a backhand (shot). 你可以打反手拍使旋转更厉害。
- More thorough testing might have caught the failure initially. 如果测试更为彻底,也许一开始就能找出故障。