- convoke a senate 召集参议院开会
- The scandal prompted a senate investigation. 公愤促使上议院进行调查。
- The scandal prompted a senate investigation . 公愤促使上议院进行调查。
- A senator who is always on top of the issues. 一位消息总是很灵通的参议员
- Convoke a meeting for review program with other quality engineer. 定期组织召开部门内项目回顾。
- How should one address a senator? 如何称呼一位议院的参议员?
- A senator dragged the subject in as a filibuster. 一个参议员硬把这个题目拉扯进来,作为一种阻碍议事的手法。
- She went on to become a senator. 她继续担任参议员
- This sacrilegious incident led to a Senate investigation. 这次的渎圣事件导致了元老院的调查。
- The president proposed a senate to the institution as a superviser. 总统推荐一名参议员到这个机构作检查员。
- A Senator precedes a Representative. 参议员的地位高于众议员。
- How long is a senator in office? 参议员任期多长?
- How many times may a senator be re-elected? 参议员能连任几次?
- They insist that Mr Zelaya violated the constitution by trying to convoke a constituent assembly which they fear might have prolonged his term. 政变分子们宣称,塞拉亚企图举行修宪公投的行径违反了宪法(修宪可延长拉塞亚的任期,这正是反对派不愿看到的)。
- He is a senator of the state council. 他是一位国会议员。
- He was a senator from 1994 to 2003. 他从1994年到2003年任田纳西州参议员。
- It is of course possible that, if he wins, he may be true to his promises and convoke a Parliament for all China;but it is at least equally possible that he may not. 这当然是可能的,如果他获胜,他可能是正确的,他的承诺,并召集所有中国一个议会,但它至少是同样有可能,他可能不会。
- A senator takes precedence over a Representative. 参议员的地位高于众议员。
- How should one address a senator ? 如何称呼一位议院的参议员?
- Roman Emperor Caligula made his horse a senator. 罗马的加利古拉皇帝曾封他的坐骑为元老院议员?