- conveyer hopper support 输送机煤斗支座
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- conveyer hopper 输送器漏斗
- Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- conveyer hopper bearing plate 输送煤斗承板
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和两个小孩要扶养。
- Let me convey my deep sympathy to you. 允许我向您表示最深切的同情。
- He had to work hard to support his family. 他不得不努力工作来养家。
- The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。
- I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。
- We all support his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。
- We are deeply grateful for your support. 我们深深感谢你的支持。
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。
- To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward. 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。
- Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们这样努力应得到你的支持。
- They did not waver in their support for him. 他们毫不动摇地支持他。
- The demagogue has won people's support. 那个煽动者赢得了人们的支持。
- All his support melt away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。