- conventions of speech acts 言谈规约
- Searle,J.R.1979.Expression and Meaning:Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 赵艳芳.;认知语言学概论[M]
- On the other hand, another sub-conclusion is drawn: all kinds of discourses are the sub-classes of Narrative Report of Speech Acts (NRSA). 这就从视角和声音的角度证明了海明威式叙述者本质上的不“静”。
- The theory background of the article includes elements of semeiology, theory of speech acts and Richard Mervyn Hare"s theory of the Language of Morals. 本文的理论背景是符号学原理、言语行为理论和黑尔的道德语言理论。
- Among the five-part classification of speech acts established by Searle (1965), representative and directive speech acts are most frequently used. 通过对语力、连贯和互文性的分析,“话语实践” 这一维度阐释了法庭审判话语与生成、传播和接受它的交际过程的关系。
- Refusals are onecategory of speech acts, the theory could be traced back to the speech act theory of Austin(1962) and Searle (1969, 1979). 拒绝是一种言语行为,这可追溯到奥斯汀(1962)和塞尔(1969, 1979)的言语行为理论。
- The theory background of the article includes elements of semeiology, theory of speech acts and Richard Mervyn Hare’s theory of the Language of Morals. 本文的理论背景是符号学原理、言语行为理论和黑尔的道德语言理论。
- Traditional grammar studies English conditionals in terms of truth value and logic while pragmatics from the angle of speech acts and speech meta-representation. 英语条件式在传统语法里是从真实值和逻辑的角度去分类研究的,在语用学里则是从言语行为、言语元表征的角度来加以研究。
- Throughout this research, John Austin's Speech Acts Theory, and Searle's Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts shall be adopted in order to classify humorous utterances. 第二章探讨幽默的定义、分类和前人的研究成果与不足,阐述言语行为理论的基本内容和对于幽默话语研究的适用性。
- For the speech act aspect, three kinds of speech acts are identified: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutinary act. 言语行为理论和合作原则是其中最为重要的两个因素。
- Indignation bereft him of speech. 他气愤得说不出话来。
- Austin, the founder of speech act theory, thinks that language is used to do things, to achieve a certain goal. 言语行为理论的创立者奥斯汀认为语言是用来行事的,是为了实现某种行为目的。
- The conventions of polite behavior. 礼仪,礼节彬彬有礼的行为的习俗
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後丧失了说话能力。
- The third chapter analyzes narrative report of speech act and its effects in The Magic Barrel. 第三章分析《魔桶》中的言语行为叙述体及其效果。 作者运用言语行为叙述体简要总结了人物的对话和思想活动以便突出人物形象。
- Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道这个单词的词性吗?
- Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。
- Theory of speech act,advanced first by Austin,and inherited and developed by Searle,has been generally accepted. 言语行为理论自奥斯汀首先提出,后经塞尔的继承和发展,已经为人们所普遍接受。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- As a young woman she joined a convent of nuns. 她在年轻的时候加入了女修道会。