- Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior. 放荡的在性行为方面缺少传统道德观念约束的
- A conventional moral maxim or attitude. 说教老一套的道德准则或态度
- Where was the room for an absolute or a conventional morality? 哪有什么绝对的或者一成不变的美德?
- Flouting conventional moral standards;sexually promiscuous. 蔑视礼节的;性行为不检点的
- Flouting conventional moral standards; sexually promiscuous. 蔑视礼节的;性行为不检点的.
- Having once been ostracized by society, he had never since had any real regard for conventional morality. 由于自己一度受过社会的冷淡,他从那时候起从来就没有把传统的美德真正放在眼里。
- By some strange leading of fate this stigma on his family's honour, this blotch on conventional morality, had twined its helpless baby fingers about the tendons of his heart. 由于命运的奇特安排,这个对于家庭体面的玷辱,这个染在因袭道德上的污点,已经拿它那无力的稚指扭住他心上的柔筋了。
- Xu Fuguan took the animadversion spirit of "Conservatism to defend conventional moral principles, liberalism to discuss politics" as the cut-in point which link the culture of China and modernity. 徐复观以“保守主义卫道,自由主义论政”这种双向扬弃、双向批判的精神,作为中国文化与现代性接榫的切入点。
- This book depicts a middle-class married woman Edna, who audaciously bids defiance to the conventional morals and codes in order to pursue female selfhood and independence. 小说大胆描写了一位反抗传统道德观念,追求女性独立与自我的中产阶级妇女艾德娜的觉醒和抗争。
- Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进?
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- "How are you?" is a conventional greeting. “你好”是一个习惯问候语。
- They are discussing the morality of abortion. 他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。
- The nuns are living in the convent. 修女们住在修道院里。
- He often speaks a few conventional remarks. 他总是喜欢说老生常谈的那几句话。
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- He ended his lecture with a trite morality. 他以陈腐的说教结束了演讲。
- James voiced the conventional wisdom about it. 詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。
- "Good morning" is a conventional greeting. "早安"是习用的招呼语。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。