- deep conventional arms cuts 进一步削减常规武装
- conventional arms cuts 削减常规武装
- China participated in the UN Register of Conventional Arms from 1992 to 1997. 中国从1992年到1997年参加了联合国常规武器转让登记。
- Since 1992 China has participated in the United Nations'register of conventional arms transfers (Tables 5 and 6). 从1992年起中国参加了历次联合国常规武器转让登记(图表5、图表6)。
- Assembly, China participates in the United Nations register of conventional arms transfers. 按照联合国大会决议,中国参加了联合国常规武器转让登记。
- Building on the momentum of a new agreement with the Russians, Obama said he wanted to cajole the other nuclear powers into agreeing international arms cuts. 在与俄罗斯取得了签署新协议的进展之上,奥巴马称他想游说其他核国家就国际核武器削减达成一致。
- In accordance with a resolution by the UN General Assembly,China participates in the United Nations register of conventional arms transfers. 按照联合国大会决议,中国参加了联合国常规武器转让登记。
- Arms Sale Monitor - reports and analyzes U.S. government policies on conventional arms exports and weapons proliferation. 武器销售监视器-美国政府关于常规的军火出口和武器扩散政策的报告和分析。
- Your body and arms cut off three-quarters of his passing lanes, meaning he can only pass to a teammate behind him. 用身体和双臂切断他三个方向的传球路线,让他只能向身后的队友传球。
- Confidence-building measures (CBMs) in the field of conventional arms is conducive to international and regional security and stability. 常规武器领域建立信任措施,有助于增进国际和地区安全与稳定。
- Khrushchev saw Gagarin's achievement as a vindication of his policy of strengthening the Soviet Union's missile forces at the expense of conventional arms. 赫鲁看到加加林的施政成绩作为佐证加强苏联的导弹部队,以牺牲常规武器。
- In the field of arms control, China used to be a serious proliferator of missiles and missile components, and a significant seller of conventional arms. 在军备控制方面,中国过去曾积极研制导弹和导弹部件,并出售大量传统军事武器。
- See, I will have your arm cut off, and will put waste on your faces, even the waste from your feasts; and you will be taken away with it. 我必斥责你们的种子、又把你们牺牲的粪、抹在你们的脸上.你们要与粪一同除掉。
- The 1993-97 records of the UN register of conventional arms exports and imports of various countries show that China's exports of conventional weapons are small compared to those of some other countries. 从1993年至1997年联合国公布的各国常规武器进出口登记情况来看,中国的常规武器出口与一些国家相比数量很小。
- In 1978 at the First Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations,China proposed that,as the two superpowers had more nuclear and conventional arms than any other country,they must take the lead in disarmament. 中国在1978年联合国第一届裁军特别大会上提出:两个超级大国不论是核军备还是常规军备都大大超过其他任何国家,必须率先采取裁军行动。
- Other confidence-building measures include the UN Register of Conventional Arms and the system for standardized reporting of military expenditures,which promote greater transparency in military matters. 其他建立信任的措施包括《联合国常规武器登记册》 和军事开支报告标准化制度,这些措施促进了军事方面的更大透明。
- According to a directive writ- n by National Security Adviser Richard Allen, "the U. S. views e transfer of conventional arms and other defense articles as an indispensable component of its foreign policy. 根据国家安全顾问艾伦拟定的一项指示,“美国认为出售常规武器和其他防务用品是外交政策不可或缺的一部分。”
- In 1978 at the First Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations, China proposed that, as the two superpowers had more nuclear and conventional arms than any other country, they must take the lead in disarmament. 中国在1978年联合国第一届裁军特别大会上提出:两个超级大国不论是核军备还是常规军备都大大超过其他任何国家,必须率先采取裁军行动。
- Other confidence-building measures include the UN Register of Conventional Arms and the system for standardized reporting of military expenditures, which promote greater transparency in military matters. 其他建立信任的措施包括《联合国常规武器登记册》和军事开支报告标准化制度,这些措施促进了军事方面的更大透明。
- The government intends to cut expenditure on arms. 政府打算削减军备开支。