- convective clouds merger 单体并合
- I know how to monitor the convective clouds. 我已经懂得监视流云。
- Convective Cloud mountains Wuhai, Lan Miao-site gas. 山上流云雾海,岚气渺弥。
- A Critical Assessment of Hygroscopic Seeding of Convective Clouds for Rainfall Enhancement. 增雨对流云中吸湿粒子播撒的临界判定。
- The direct reason of the sustained rainstorm is that MCS kept growing and decaying in the convective clouds. 对流云系上MCS的不断生消是造成强降雨持续的直接原因。
- Satellite-Based Insights into Precipitation Formation Processes in Continental and Maritime Convective Clouds at Nighttime. 用卫星透视夜间大陆和海洋对流云的降水形成过程。
- It is found that the structure of the convective cloud has a strong influence on the upwelling microwave radiation. 就物理方法而言,选用适当的云廓线,是利用微波信息反演降水的关键。
- Peak between the vast pine forests, many Diange their painted ridges and convective clouds,luo xia cornices, is famous for its heritage of Longnan. 山巅茫茫松林间,殿阁重重,画栋流云,飞檐落霞,是驰名陇南的古迹名胜。
- Most of the heavy rain rates are occurred with convective clouds in Taiwan area, so GMS infrared data have some relations with rainfall rate. GMS资料在台湾地区的豪大雨可以有比较好的相关性,因为降雨类型多属于热带性对流云。
- The hailstorm process in the northwest Guangxi is simulated with 3-D convective cloud model.The results show that the model is capable to simulate the case to some extent. 摘要利用三维积云模式模拟2006年4月9日下午发生在广西东兰县境内的一次冰雹天气过程。
- With the 3D convective cloud model of CAMS, we simulate a convective cloud process in Qinghai in Autumn 2002, with emphases on dynamical and microphysical processes. 利用中国气象科学研究院的三维对流云数值模式,模拟了青海省2002年秋季一次对流云过程,分析了青海省秋季对流云云体发展的动力学特点和微物理特征。
- Away from the mei-yu, skies are dotted with convective clouds that frequently grow into afternoon thunderstorms, though still offering better chances of seeing the eclipse than sites along the front. 梅雨之后,天空会被对流云布满,以至经常发生午后雷雨,尽管如此,仍然会提供比沿锋面地点更好的看日食的机会。
- An application test of rain-increase operation in 2005 proved it is effective to economize weather modification cost and guide convective clouds rocket rain-increase and hail suppression. 经2005年一次增雨作业应用检验,证明结果切实可行,对节约人工影响天气成本,有效指导对流云火箭增雨防雹作业具有一定的意义。
- Convective clouds brought severe thunderstorms to the region earlier tonight. As 16W nears, winds are expected to strengthen tomorrow from the northeast with occasional squally showers. 较早前强烈对流下产生的云团为本港带来猛烈雷雨。随著16W靠近,香港将吹东北风,风势于明日稍后增强,间中伴有狂风骤雨。
- They concluded from analyzing VIMS images that these highly localized, convective clouds, which are composed of methane, result from summer heating much as thunderstorms form on Earth. 通过分析VIMS高度局部的图片他们得出结论,由甲烷构成的对流云是夏季加热的结果,如同地球上的雷暴形式。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?
- Study shows that the process is caused by cold vortex in the east of Mongolia and subtropical high,and meso-scale convective cloud cluster is the direct reason of the local severe heavy rainfall. 发现本次过程是由蒙古东部的低涡与副热带高压共同作用发生的,而局地大暴雨的直接原因是中尺度对流云团所造成的。
- There are rumours of an impending merger. 有谣传说是快要合并了。
- She was pressurized into agreeing to a merger. 她被迫同意将公司合并。
- In addition, a thought of how to use the mesoscale convergence center, TBB of convective cloud and the radar echo for rainfall rate to predict the mesoscale rain cluster is presented. 提出利用逐时的中尺度辐合中心、卫星红外云图云顶亮温及雷达回波降水率做中尺度雨团量级预测思路。