- On What Condition Will Controlling Shareholders Start expropriating? 企业终级控股者在什么条件下开始剥夺?
- The personnel of a listed company shall be independent from the controlling shareholders. 上市公司人员应独立于控股股东。
- With the increase of cash flow right of controlling shareholders, bankruptcy/liquidating will be triggered more early. 随着控股股东现金流权的增加,企业破产/清算触发逐渐提前。
- The controlling shareholders shall not misappropriate or control such assets or interfere with the listed company's management of such assets. 控股股东不得占用、支配该资产或干预上市公司对该资产的经营管理。
- Controlling shareholders infringing the interests of minor shareholders, also called tunnel digging, is a hot topic in corporate governance studies. 摘要控制性股东对少数股东的利益侵占(隧道挖掘)成为公司治理研究的热点问题。
- In Hong Kong, controlling shareholders may not increase their stake by more than 2 per cent per annum without triggering a general offer. 在香港,控股股东在不触发全面收购要约的情况下,每年增持股份不得超过2%25。
- Private benefits of control (PBC) embody controlling shareholders's invasion and occupation of the benefits of small and medium shareholders. 摘要控制权私有收益体现着控股股东对中小股东利益的侵占。
- Once they become controlling shareholders, acquirers can enjoy the privilege of getting access to both the capital market and banking sector to raise external finance. 一旦他们成为控股股东,收购方就可以享受进入资本市场和银行界筹集外部资本的特权。
- In this way we point out a new method for the difficult problem of how to categorize the controlling shareholders, a problem puzzling the academia for years. 本文对控股股东的性质按实际控制人的性质来划分,对解决困扰我国学术界多年的关于控股股东分类的难题提出了新的途径。
- No one knows the extent of borrowings by controlling shareholders, which are often concealed in unlisted holding companies or branches of their opaque group structures. 没人清楚控股股东的借款规模,它们常常隐藏在未上市控股公司或不透明集团组织中的分支机构中。
- With the Increase of cash flow of controlling shareholders, agency costs of debt financing decreases, which testifies the "incentive effects" of controlling shareholders. 随着控股股东现金流权的提高,负债融资代理成本逐渐降低,表明控股股东对公司治理具有激励效应;
- We then find when controlling shareholders transfer state shares to related parties and state shares are privatized, cash flow performance reduces dramatically. 当控股股东将国有股权转让给关联方且股权性质发生了变更时,并购后现金流业绩显著降低。
- Multiple large shareholders are likely to dampen expropriation of outside shareholders by controlling shareholders in Europe, while the opposite is true in Asia. 而在亚洲,多个大股东则会合谋掠夺外部股东,支付较低股利甚至不支付股利。
- The unfair related party transactions is an important measure of expropriation of controlling shareholders, and induces the resource tunneled out of listed companies. 非公允关联交易成为控制性股东掠夺中小股东财富的重要方式,导致上市公司的资源被不断输送出去。
- Unhappily for Alcon's shareholders, however, Swiss takeover law does allow bidders to pay one price to controlling shareholders and a lower one to the remainder. 不幸的是,对爱尔康的股东而言,瑞士的收购法案允许对大股东持有股份支付一个价格,而对少数股东支付另一个价格。
- The separation of corporate controlling right from the right to control cash flow in modern commercial groups makes controlling shareholders have motif to dig tunnels. 现代商业集团中对公司控制权和现金流权的分离使控制性股东具有隧道挖掘的动机。
- Because of having less share and the dissenter to controlling shareholders, the minority shareholders are extremely easy to become the object being infringed on. 他们因其持股份额少且与控股股东唱反调而极其容易成为受侵害的对象。
- The controlling shareholders shall nominate the candidates for directors and supervisors in strict compliance with the terms and procedures provided for by laws, regulations and the company's articles of association. 控股股东对上市公司董事、监事候选人的提名,应严格遵循法律、法规和公司章程规定的条件和程序。
- The controlling shareholders shall not directly or indirectly interfere with the company's decisions or business activities conducted in accordance with laws; nor shall they impair the listed company's or other shareholders' rights and interests. 控股股东不得直接或间接干预公司的决策及依法开展的生产经营活动,损害公司及其他股东的权益。
- During the restructuring and reorganization of a company that plans to list, the controlling shareholders shall sever the company's social functions and strip out non-operational assets. 控股股东对拟上市公司改制重组时应分离其社会职能,剥离非经营性资产