- Unable to set media control event handler. (无法设定媒体控制事件处理器)。
- You can create event handlers for a variety of control events. 您可以为各种控件事件创建事件处理程序。
- The authorities were unable to control events. 当局不能控制局势。
- To control event log entries, set the EventLogMask key, which is of type REG_DWORD. 要控制事件日志条目,可设置EventLogMask键,它属于REG_DWORD类型。
- Controller Event, Power Supply Back On-line. Informational message. 控制器事件,电源恢复联机。信息性消息。
- This wizard adds a menu or accelerator command handler or dialog control event handler to the class of your choice. 本向导将菜单、快捷键命令处理程序或对话框控件事件处理程序添加到所选的类中。
- If a page already contains an event-handling method with the appropriate signature, you can bind a control event to it at run time. 如果页中已包含具有适当签名的事件处理方法,则可以在运行时将控件事件绑定到该事件处理方法。
- Event to process control events that are sent from the templates to the control. 事件创建处理程序以处理从模板发送到该控件的控件事件。
- Officers also attended overseas training courses to enhance their skills in conducting large-scale security operations and crowd control events. 此外,多名人员曾赴海外修读训练课程,以提高他们在执行大型保安行动和人群管理工作的技巧。
- Thoughts are a powerful means to control events regarding general circumstances and one's own destiny. 思想是控制一般环境下的事件和一个人自己的命定的强有力方法。
- The ticketing industry in China is making a slow turnaround from a culture in which government agencies controlled events and ticket supply. 中国过去是由政府机构控制演出活动和门票供应,现在这种传统正在逐渐发生转变。
- The practice of using charms, spells, or rituals to attempt to produce supernatural effects or control events in nature. 魔法,施巫术:运用魔力、咒语或者宗教仪式来试图产生超自然的结果或者控制自然中的事件。
- Shamanism was common to all groups, and magic was used in attempts to control events or transform. reality (e.g., heal illness or increase the harvest). 所有的部族普遍信奉萨满教,并使用巫术来掌控事物或改变事实(如治病或提高农业生产)。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- The study of computer controlled robots. 对受计算机控制的机器人的研究领域。
- Uncontrollable bad events made anxiety and depression more likely. Previous exposure to controllable events immunized people against learned helplessness. 不可控制的坏事件使人焦虑,但是有免疫效果。