- controlled atmosphere stroage 气调贮藏
- The storage at controlled atmosphere for cucurbita ovifera was investigated. 利用气调贮藏实验系统对金瓜保鲜进行了初步研究。
- The nitrogen base controlled atmosphere continuous brazing furnace is the new brazing equipment. 文章介绍了现代用于冷轧不锈带钢生产的连续退火炉的组成及结构。
- Ti-Ni alloy was melted in CaO crucible and poured in a controlled atmosphere induction furnace. 试验中,使用氧化钙坩埚来熔炼钛镍合金,钛镍合金的浇铸过程在真空感应加热炉中完成;
- The experimental study of controlled atmosphere(CA) storage with "Jinxiu" yellow peaches(prunus persicu L. 在一套实验室规模的快速降氧气调贮藏系统上,进行了为期6周的锦绣黄桃气调贮藏实验研究。
- Controlled Atmosphere an atmosphere in which oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen concentrations are regulated, as well as temperature and humidity. 箱体内气体、温度、湿度调控。
- QTM controlled atmosphere drying experiment equipment was used to regulate the O 2 content in the drying by displacing part air with nitrogen as drying medium. 用氮气置换部分空气作为干燥介质 ;通过QTM气调干燥实验设备调节干燥过程气体的氧气含量 ;以蘑菇的褐变度为考核指标进行降氧干燥试验 .
- The experimental study of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage with "Jinxiu" yellow peaches (prunus persicu L.Batsch.) for six weeks was done in a lab-scale CA system. 摘要在一套实验室规模的快速降氧气调贮藏系统上,进行了为期6周的锦绣黄桃气调贮藏实验研究。
- Based on the assimilating the imported Controlled Atmosphere Bonding instrument and technologies, we have succeeded in developing some new special thermostat metals types. 通过消化吸收引进国外可控气氛热复合设备和技术开发成功的特殊型热双金属已经达到或接近国际先进水平。
- Calcium treatment in combination with other methods such as controlled atmosphere (CA), heating, and biological control has shown a marked efficacy in reducing postharvest losses. 钙处理与气调、热处理、生物防治等联用在减少果实采后病害方面发挥了显著的作用。
- The changes of some enzyme activity of Tongbai Jujube (Zizphus Jujuba Mill.) during the Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage (11% O2、 0% CO2) were studied. 摘要本文研究了桐柏大枣在11%25O2、0%25CO2气调(CA)贮藏条件下的几种酶活性的变化。
- According to the respiration of the product and the permeation of the plastic films,the principle of the spontaneous controlled atmosphere storage of the garlic balt has been studied. 以产品呼吸和薄膜渗气的过程为依据;研究了自发气调贮藏蒜苔的原理.;在大量试验数据的基础上;提出了一种贮藏蒜苔的新方法
- A DC method was used to determine La 2O 3, CeO 2, Pr 6O 11 , Sm 2O 3, Gd 2O 3, Dy 2O 3, Dy 2O 3, Y 2O 3 in Nd and Nd 2O 3 with oxygen argon controlled atmosphere on spectrograph reverse line dispersion 0 25 nm/mm. 在色散 0 2 5nm/mm光栅光谱仪上 ,以控制气氛直流电弧粉末法测定了金属钕及氧化钕中氧化镧、氧化铈、氧化镨、氧化钐、氧化钆、氧化镝和氧化钇。
- H.-Y.Chen and F.-H.Lu, “Phase Changes of CrN Films Annealed at High Temperature under Controlled Atmosphere,” International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (2001) San Diego, U.S.A. 陈弘颖、吕福兴,“氮化铬薄膜之相变化研究,”中华民国镀膜科技研讨会(2001)彰化。
- The automatic measuring system was designed for leak of annealer used in controlable atmosphere luminous anneal. 设计了可控气氛光亮退火井式炉自动检漏测试系统。
- A method for determination of hafnium in zirconium under Ar-O_2 controlled atmosphere was developed and the conditions of ratio of Ar-O_2, excited current and exposed time were optimized. 研究了在氩氧控制气氛条件下锆中铪的分析条件,对氩氧比、激发电流、曝光时间等实验参数进行了选择。
- Considerate that normal rotary hearth furnace can't control the carbon potential precisely,we designed rotary hearth furnace with controlled atmosphere and then managed to use it in manufacturing. 针对传统可倾式渗碳转筒炉无法精确控制碳势的缺点,设计制作了可控气氛转炉并进行了试生产。
- The results showed the natural gas is better than propane when natural gas or propane is used for controllable atmosphere. 研究表明,分别以丙烷气和天然气为原料气制备吸热式可控气氛炉气时,天然气要优于丙烷气。
- Therefore,these can be realized by controlling atmosphere、temperature and time of oxidation based on thermodynamics and kinetics of kovar alloy. 为达到上述两个目的,可以从可伐合金氧化的热力学和动力学出发,通过控制氧化气氛,氧化温度和时间来实现。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?