- The government has made great efforts to control water pollution. 政府作出很大努力来控制水污染。
- To prevent and control water pollution,it is necessary to make unified plans on the basis of river basins or regions. 防治水污染应当按流域或者按区域进行统一规划。
- Advance ordering water amounts and charging automatically, control water usage by price lever. 预定水量、自动收费,用价格杠杆促进控制用水,真正实现节约用水;
- A strong,nonpersistent,yellow,crystalline herbicide,C12H12Br2N2,used to control water weeds. 杀草快一种强力非持久性、黄色、晶状除草剂C12H12Br2N2,用于控制水生杂草
- Overflow weir is used to control water hammer and prevent air entrainment in long supply pipelines. 在长距离输水管路出口设置溢流堰可以有效控制水击和防止管路脱空。
- Article 4: The State shall encourage and support various undertakings to develop and utilize water resources as well as to control water disasters. 第四条 国家鼓励和支持开发利用水资源和防治水害的各项事业。
- For small size plants of single superphosphate,some measures to control water content in producttion are proposed. 对普钙生产过程中减少和控制产品水分的方法进行探讨。针对小普钙厂控制产品水分提出了一些可行的方法。
- Combining the example of engineering, the fire control water cooling system and foam system are described. 结合工程实例,介绍了油库的消防水冷却系统和泡沫灭火系统。
- It is advantageous to control water in the added materials for reducing flake in the heavy rail steel. 控制在各工序加入材料的水分含量对减少重轨钢中的白点是有利的。
- The State shall encourage and support various undertakings to develop and utilize water resources as well as to control water disasters. 国家鼓励和支持开发利用水资源和防治水害的各项事业。
- Further details of the steps taken by the Government to address and control water pollution problems are given in the next few chapters of this report. 有关政府如何采取措施管制水污染问题,本报告的各章节将作详细解述。
- Article 10 To prevent and control water pollution, it is necessary to make unified plans on the basis of river basins or regions. 第十条 防治水污染应当按流域或者按区域进行统一规划。
- The paper deals with how to control water quality by water quality monitor to get a good result and puts forward the concrete operation methods. 阐述了水质监测全过程的质量控制技术,为获得合乎质量要求的监测结果,提出了具体的操作方法。
- Turkey's control of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus has enabled NATO to control water traffic between Odessa and the Mediterranean Sea. 加入北约的土耳其,控制著敖德萨通往地中海的水路必经之地---达达尼尔海峡和博斯普鲁斯海峡(即伊斯坦布尔海峡)。
- The NPC Standing Committee will hear and deliberate a special State Council work report to prevent and control water pollution. 全国人大常委会将听取和研讨国务院关于水污染防治工作的报告。
- Experimental studies were carried out to investigate the potential use of associative polymers to control water mobility and act as an acid diverter. 进行的实验研究调查了联合聚合物来控制水的流动性和作为酸化处理转换介质的潜在用途。
- It is a reference example for complex fault-block oilfield to control water cut and stabi lize oil production in high water cut stage. 为复杂断块油田高含水期的控水稳油,提供了一个可供借鉴的实例。
- This has a more specific downstream focus and aims to provide a reliable analytical tool for devising solutions to control water pollution in the Pearl River Delta region. 这个水质模型主要针对下游流域,要旨是为双方提供一套可靠的分析工具,辅助我们构思珠三角区域水污染管理方案。
- The drinking water and hot water supply, the drainage of wastewater, rain water system and various fire control water systems of Venice Hotel in Shenzhen city are presented. 威尼斯酒店是以水为主题的旅游酒店。介绍了该项目给排水工程设计中的给水、热水、排水、雨水系统,以及所涉及的各种消防系统。
- Acetic acid fermentation should strictly control water、temperature、alcoholicity and putting forward the opinions of improving the technology of Sharxi vinegar. 醋酸发酵要严格控制水份、温度、酒精度。