- Mammalian Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region consists of central domain, ETAS domain and CSB domain. 哺乳动物线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)控制区由中央保守区、ETAS区和CSB区构成。
- Fig. 1 MtDNA control region NJ tree of A. magna based on TN93 genetic distances. 图1大石鸡种群线粒体控制区基因基于TN93的邻接树。
- The value of Iso image signal, DCav, FA and RA in the lesion and control region were measured. 按照时间点行脑MR检查,测量病变和对侧相应区域Isoimage信号、DCav、FA、RA值。
- In IMS/VS, an application program that has access to data bases and OS/VS data management facilities but does not have access to the IMS/VS control region or its message queues. 信息管理系统IMS/VS中的一种应用程序,可以访问数据库和OS/VS数据管理软件但不能访问IMS/VS控制区或它的报文队列。
- Portion of mitochondrial DNA control region form 39 individuals which belong to CXSP and XZSP respectively were sequenced in the study. 来自宣州种群和长兴种群的39个个体的线粒体DNA控制区5’端非重复序列没有任何差异。
- Thus the mill owner may be able to pay a nearby foundry to close down a marginal furnace, to control it beyond SIP requirements, or to move to another air quality control region. 这样一来,工厂主就可以有能力向附近的铸造厂支付一笔钱,以关闭一个赢利不大的炉子,或控制它达到《州实施计划》的规定,或者转移到另外一个大气质量控制区。
- MRI in the prescriptive time and the cerebral TTC stain in 24h were performed. The values of Iso signal, DCav, FA, RA, and AI in the lesion and control region were measured. 按照时间点行脑MR检查,测量病变及对侧相应区域Iso信号、DCav、FA、RA、AI值,并于24h行脑TTC染色。
- Prepare, monitor and control regional investment and operating expense budget. 制定,控制区域投资及费用预算。
- The control region of Athene noctua contained three sets of repeats: a 89 bp sequence that was repeated three times, a 77 bp sequence that was repeated four times, and a 71 bp sequence that was repeated six times. 纵纹腹小?有3个重复单元,分别为89bp单元重复3次、77bp单元重复4次和71bp单元重复6次;
- The whole mitochondrial DNA control region sequence of Asio flammeus, Asio otus, Athene noctua and Strix aluco were sequenced, which demonstrate that the length of the control region is 3290bp, 2848bp, 2444bp and 1771bp, respectively. 利用Long-PCR和Primer Walking的方法对?形目的短耳?、长耳?、纵纹腹小?、灰林?四种鸟类的线粒体调控区进行了全序列测定。 实验结果表明:短耳?的调控区长度为3290bp;
- There was no RS2 repeats unit in the control region, which indicated that repeat units had unimportant biological function in the mitochondrial genome. There were 4 bases mutated in the CSB?3 of this region exceeding other known Felidae by a long way. 在控制区中,没有发现RS?2重复序列,暗示了重复序列在线粒体基因组中可能没有重要的生物学功能,同时在控制区的CSB?3区存在4个碱基的变异,远远高于已知的其它猫科动物在此区域的碱基变异数量。
- In IMS/ VS, an application program that has access to data bases and OS/ VS data management facilities but does not have access to the IMS/ VS control region or its message queues. 信息管理系统IMS/vs中的一种应用程序,可以访问数据库和OS/vs数据管理软件但不能访问IMS/vs控制区或它的报文队列。
- But what if a state is unable to achieve timely attainment of an NAAQS in one of its air quality control regions? 但是如果一个州不能及时达到《全国环境空气质量标准》,并且是在州属空气质量控制区域,那该怎么办呢?
- Key Areas: Huai River,Hai River,Liao River,Tai Lake,Chao Lake,Dianchi Lake,Bo Sea,SO2 and acid rain control regions,Beijing Municipality. 重点地区: 淮河、海河、辽河、太湖、巢湖、滇池、渤海、二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区、北京市。
- Key Areas: Huai River, Hai River, Liao River, Tai Lake, Chao Lake, Dianchi Lake, Bo Sea, SO2 and acid rain control regions, Beijing Municipality. 重点地区:淮河、海河、辽河、太湖、巢湖、滇池、渤海、二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区、北京市。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- AQCR (Air Quality Control Region) 空气质量控制区