- The Structure of Monetary Base and the Control of Money Supply 高能货币结构与货币供给控制
- control of money supply 通货量调节管理
- The most common measures of money supply are M1, M2, and M3. 通常调节的货币供给是M1,M2,M3。
- Other ideas covered are: decriminalization of drugs, tighter control of Fed money supply, and the repeal of laws favoring unions. 其他的概念涉及了:合法化麻醉药、紧缩控制联邦货币供给,以及废止有利于企业联盟的法律。
- The Fed's control of the money supply is not precise. The Fed must wrestle with two problems that arise due to fractional-reserve banking. 联邦储备控制货币供给是不精确的。联邦储备必须仔细考虑由于部分准备金银行所引起的两个问题。
- Money supply refers to the total stock of money available in an economy. 货币供应指经济体系内可供交易投资使用的货币总量。
- If only one had an unlimited supply of money! 要是财源不断就好了!
- Although the issuing states (except Rhode Island) acted responsibly, perhaps no other course of events so frightened conservatives as the control of the money supply by the states. 尽管发行债券的各州(除罗得岛外)办事可靠,但是由各州控制货币供应这种事情也许令保守派最为惊恐。
- The Sub-Committee considered a proposal for making a slight revision to the definition of money supply in Hong Kong. 委员会审议了有关略为修改香港货币供应定义的建议。
- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- But the recession, combined with falling oil prices and the Federal Reserve's tight control of money and credit, helped to curb runaway inflation. 然而正由于经济衰退,加上石油价格下跌,联邦储备局严格管理资金和信贷,原来已经失控的通货膨胀现象重新得到控制。
- In 2007 liquidity was tight, with the M2 measure of money supply growing more slowly than nominal GDP. 在2007年,由于货币供应量M2比名义(现价)GDP增长要慢,货币流通紧张。
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- They were triggered by the Federal Reserve's unusually tight control of money and credit. 这两起衰退是由于联邦储备系统特别加紧控制货币和信贷引起的。
- It takes a lot of money to buy a house. 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。
- It seems to me instead of man being in control of money, money is firmyly in control of man. 在我看来,似乎不是人支配金钱,而是金钱牢牢地控制了人。
- It revealed beyond cavel the vast and growing concentration of control of money and credit in the hands of a few men. 它用铁一样的事实揭示出:财富和信贷大量地日益集中地控制在少数人手里。
- The author considers the multiplier theory of money supply is a specious argument and many of its dubious viewpoints should be carefully reconsidered. 作者认为,货币供给乘数理论是一种似是而非的理论,其中有许多疑点问题值得谨慎地提出来加以再思考。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- Built-in control of the money supply 货币供应的内在调节功能