- control central line 控制中心线
- Don't trap him until he goes over the central line. 等他过了中线再夹击他。
- That's easy; it's the next station down the Central Line. 那很容易,乘中央线下一站就是。
- Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components. 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
- The main thought of parallel ken is to control uke's central line all the time. One must create the situation that uke can only move backward. 平行剑首重中心线压制.;务必要在角度及时机上做到让对方只能往后退
- The child will return to normal or control central nervous system symptoms. 患儿恢复正常,中枢神经系统症状得到控制。
- Bhopal (pop. 1.5 million) lies 40 km north of the central line. Bhopal位于中心线以北40公里。
- Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line. 乘都会线,到利物浦街,再转中央线。
- The connected kidnapping event's secret control central is a named fire wolf's careerist. 连串绑架事件的幕后主脑乃一名叫火狼的野心家。
- To keep respiratory tract clear,to correct hypoxia,to lower ICP and to control central high fever all are essential in acute period. 体会到急性期保持呼吸道通畅,及时纠正低氧血症,降低颅内压,有效地控制中枢性高热是提高生存率的关键。
- Last week, Kailee suffered a sudden onset of intense pain in her right chest above her central line. 上一周,凯丽右侧的锁骨静脉置管突然出现了一阵剧烈的疼痛。
- Haematoma is formed, shift of central line structure is apparent person, prognosis is poorer. 有血肿形成,中线结构移位明显者,预后较差。
- South-east of King's Cross is Farringdon, on the Circle Line, and nearby is Chancery Lane, on the Central Line. 国王十字车站东南方是环线上的法灵顿站,附近是中央线上的大法官法庭小路站。
- Varanasi and Pata both lie within the shadow's path as the central line crosses the sacred Ganges River (Figure 8). Varanasi和Pata都位于本影路径上且穿过神圣的恒河。
- Theref ore, it is necessary to take the opportunity, methods and announcements of hypot hermia to prevent and control central high fever of patients effectively, to red uce case fatality of them. 因此 ,必须掌握好降温时机、方法及注意事项 ,以有效地预防或控制中枢性高热 ,从而降低病死率。
- Avoid body insecurity overworked: Massage philtrum acupuncture point, this one point is mixed in nose needle on on the central line between the lip. 避免身体紧张劳累:按摩人中穴,这一穴位在鼻尖和上嘴唇之间的中心线上。
- This form of Clemenceau and easy to adjust the distance between the hook, so that the shuttle hook accurate Gouzhu Central Line. 这种形式便于调节和梭钩间的距离,使梭钩能准确地勾住线环。
- We often obtain Moire of blur as well as coarseness.Actually we need the central line of Moire to calculate the displacement and stress. 实验直接得到的是一些模糊的较粗的条纹,而计算所需要的是条纹的中心线。
- INTRODUCTION :In this work “bridge” and “river” are the same. The central line is a silent stable point enjoying the sideways rocking movement. 作品简介:在这件作品中,“桥”和“河”是一体的。一个无声而稳定地振荡前行的点,划出了这件作品的中线。
- This outlay has continued up to now.The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central line, has become a new landmark of Beijing. 奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。