- A retirement system will be worked out. 我们将来要建立退休制度。
- The retirement system that fourth, support parents. 四是实行养老退休制度。
- We must have a retirement system. 要有退休制度。
- It is therefore necessary to have a retirement system. 所以要搞退休制。
- Will a retirement system mean that some comrades will be slighted? 实行退休制度是不是看不起哪个同志?
- Other countries have retirement systems. 世界各国都有自己的退休制度。
- Deng: I am all for the abolition of life tenure and the institution of a retirement system. 邓:我提倡废除终身制,而且提倡建立退休制度。
- I have stated on many occasions that my last task is to take the lead in establishing a retirement system. 我过去多次讲,可能我最后的作用是带头建立退休制度。
- Under a retirement system, it will be fairly easy to replace leaders with new ones or to transfer them to other posts. 退休成为一种制度,领导层变更调动也就比较容易。
- Under a retirement system,it will be fairly easy to replace leaders with new ones or to transfer them to other posts. 退休成为一种制度,领导层变更调动也就比较容易。
- Now it is clear that the advisor system alone won't solve the problem and that the important thing is to have a retirement system. 现在看来,要真正解决问题不能只靠顾问制度,重要的是要建立退休制度。
- Thus we need advisory commissions to facilitate the transition from the system of life tenure in leading posts to a retirement system. 所以,我们需要有一个顾问委员会来过渡。顾问委员会,应该说是我们干部领导职务从终身制走向退休制的一种过渡。
- Systematic measures should be adopted to institute a retirement system for cadres and abolish what is virtually a system of life tenure for leading cadres. 要有步骤地和稳妥地实行干部离休、退休的制度,废除实际上存在的干部领导职务的终身制。
- It seems that the advisor system is one way out and that it should therefore be maintained.But what is more important is to establish a retirement system. 看来,顾问制度还是一个出路,应该保留,但更重要的是要建立退休制度。
- Of course, the organizational line also involves other problems, such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。
- I am all for the abolition of life tenure and the institution of a retirement system. 我提倡废除终身制,而且提倡建立退休制度。
- The squire's quantity increases continuously because of the imperial examination system and retirement system. 士绅,也称乡绅,是明清时期出现的主要用语,它指居乡功名者和致仕官员。
- With regard to the personnel system,which is connected with the promotion of talented people,we should establish a retirement system. 与此相关联的,在人事制度方面,可以考虑把退休制度建立起来。
- At the time the Central Advisory Commission was established,I said it was a transitional form to be replaced ultimately by a retirement system. 顾问委员会一成立,我就说这是过渡形式,归根到底还是要建立退休制度。
- Of course,the organizational line also involves other problems,such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。