- contribute aid for refugees 捐助难民
- I give you an aid for solving problems. 我帮助你解决问题。
- He was a doctor's aid for a time. 他一度做过一名大夫的助手。
- He was appointed United Nation High Commissioner for refugees. 他获任命为联合国难民事务高级专员。
- A cynic might list this as a form of economic aid for Allende. 想挖苦人的人可以把这些都说成是给予阿连德的某种形式的经援。
- Others supported such aid for purely humanitarian reasons. 还有些人纯粹为了人道主义的原因支持这种援助。
- Use: Summons a Vanquished Tentacle to your aid for 30 seconds. 使用:召唤一根被击败的触须为你作战,持续30秒。
- Plans to cut Legal Aid for asylum seekers may put lives at risk. 取消给诉讼者提供法律援助的计划,有可能会引发新的危机。
- They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia. 他们投票建议援助亚洲的不发达国家。
- A spokesman for the office of U.N.High Commissioner for Refugees, Ron Redmond, told reporters in Geneva Friday that the visa requirement effectively closes the last external refuge for Iraqis. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署的发言人星期五在日内瓦对记者说,签证要求实际上等于对伊拉克人关闭了他们最后一个境外庇护所。
- Plans to cut Legal Aid for asylum seekers may put lives at risk . 取消给诉讼者提供法律援助的计划,有可能会引发新的危机。
- First Aid for the people in shelters in Northern Isr... 。成为 发布影片回应的第一个人。
- In a recent attack the janjaweed pillaged four WFP stores, taking about 1,000 tonnes of food destined for refugees. 在最近的一次袭击中,贾贾威德民兵组织(janjaweed)劫掠了四个WFG仓库,将用于分发给难民的约1000吨粮食洗劫一空。
- Rhodopsin, it turns out, is an important aid for night sight. 这种视网膜色素被证明有助于提高我们在夜间的视力。
- And actress Angelina Jolie appeals for more global aid for Afghan refugees in Pakistan after days of touring their sprawling camps. 美国影星安吉莉拉茱莉,到位于巴基斯坦境内、支离破碎的阿富汗难民营进行了为期几天的慰问。之后,她呼吁全球为巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民提供更多的援助。
- NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program. NYU这个计划没有为学生提供经济援助。
- Members convey views received concerning legal aid for Council deliberation. 成员将收到的有关法律援助的意见传达给本局以供讨论。
- He turns to computational aids for help. 他运用计算工具。
- They contributed five million dollars for refugee relief. 他们捐赠了500万美金救济难民。
- Sintering aids for BaTiO 3 PTCR thermistors. BaTiO_3系PTCR热敏电阻器用烧结助剂的研究