- contragradient automorphism 逆步自同构
- In other words it has a large automorphism group. 换言之,它有大的自同构群。
- For a graph X, the automorphism group of X is denoted as Aut(X). 对一个图X,把它的自同构群记为Aut(X)。
- Automorphism group of the Abelian 2 group of type ?[1,n]? [1,n]型交换2-群的自同构群
- An automorphism of a map is an isomorphism from the map to itself. 一个地图的自同构就是到它本身的一个同构.
- Let A be a finite dimensional CSL algebra and ? be a Jordan automorphism of A. 设A是有限维CSL代数;?是A上的Jordan自同构.
- According to the generator matrix of a linear code, automorphism group is studied. 摘要从线性码的生成矩阵出发,研究线性码的自同构群。
- We shall use algebraic methods to study graphs which are highly regular although this regularity is not expressed in terms of the automorphism group. 我们将用代数方法来研究高度正则的图,尽管这种正则性不是用自同构群来表达的。
- All [54,27,10] binary self-dual codes with an automorphism of order 7 are enumerated, and up to equivalence, there are 533 such codes. 摘要给出了有7阶自同构的二元自对偶编码[54,27,10]的生成矩阵,并且证明了在等价情况下,总共有533种这样的编码。
- A graph is said to be an edge-regular graph, if its full automorphism group Aut(X) acts regularly on its edge-set. 图X称为边正则图;若X的自同构群Aut(X)在X的边集上的作用是正则的.
- How to get Aut(D), the group of analytic automorphism for a bounded domain D inC~n? 如何求C~n中有界域D的解析自同胚群Aut(D)?
- Automorphism groups of self-orthogonal code (average)A7 and self-dual code A8 were studied in paper [1] and [2]. 摘要文献[1]和[2]研究了自正交码(平均值)A7和A8自对偶码的自同构群。
- An element g is a test element of a group G if every homomorphism of G which keeps g fixed is an automorphism. 摘要群G的一个元素g称为G的检验元素,如果G的每一个保持g不变的自同态都是G的自同构。
- It is necessary to generate automorphism group of chemical graph in computer-aided structure eluciation. 在结构解析过程中,自同构群的生成是必须的。
- To take another example, elliptic geometries with different radii of curvature have isomorphic automorphism groups. 在举一例,不同曲率半径的椭圆几何有同构的自同构群。
- The automorphism group of the direct product of n finite groups is studied and its matrix expression is obtained. 如果图的自同构群分别在图的边集合和点集合上传递,分别称图是边传递的和点传递的。
- The purpose of this paper is to calculate the automorphism groups of Hopf surface and Hopf manifold . 本文主要研究Hopf曲面和Hopf流形的自同构群。
- A labeling of a graph G is said to be r-distinguishing if no automorphism of G preserves all of the vertex labels. 豪雨诱发山崩的研究中,雨量为重要的促崩因子。
- Du Ni.Finite groups with automorphism group of order 4pq [J].Acta Mathematica Sinica,2004,47:181 - 188. [8]杜妮.;具有4pq阶的自同构群的有限群[J]
- Quite often, it appears there are two or more distinct geometries with isomorphic automorphism groups. 经常,两个或者更多的不同的几何有同构的自同构群。