- The two contract parties will make every effort to foster the harmonious expansion of reciprocal trade between themselves. 缔约双方将竭尽全力促进双方间互惠贸易协调发展。
- The contract parties shall promote the expansion of trade relation between the two countries. 缔约双方应促进两国之间贸易关系的扩大与发展。
- The two contract parties will make every effort to attain a balance of trade between the two sides. 缔约双方将竭尽全力实现双方贸易的平衡。
- The two contract parties will make every effort to attain a balance of trade between the two sides . 缔约双方将竭尽全力实现双方贸易的平衡。
- The contracting parties may define the scope of force majeure in the contract. 当事人可以在合同中约定不可抗力的范围。
- Any other matter which the contracting parties consider necessary. 双方认为需要约定的其他内容。
- Accounting faith is a kind og non-formal institutional arrangement and implicit contract, and the reflection of the trust relations between corporate contract parties. 会计诚信是一项非正式制度安排,一种隐含契约,也是企业契约主体之间的信任关系表现。
- Conclusively, a viewpoint is brought forward that amicable settlement is the best way for contract parties to solving claims and disputes in the international project management. 在国际工程的项目管理工作中,友好协商是合同双方解决合同索赔及合同争端的最佳途径。
- EC was not the contracting party of GATT. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方 ,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。
- Any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the contracting parties. 签约双方法律地位的证明文件。
- Membership in the Commission shall be open to all contracting parties. 所有缔约方均可成为该委员会的成员。
- The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Contracting Parties. 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。
- Equal Standing of Parties Contract parties enjoy equal legal standing and neither party may impose its will on the other party. 合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自己的意志强加给另一方。
- The rights and obligations of the two contracting parties shall be stipulated in the contract in accordance with the law. 承包双方的权利和义务,依照法律由承包合同规定。
- Purpose This Law is formulated in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of contract parties, to safeguard social and economic order, and to promote socialist modernization. 为了保护合同当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义现代化建设,制定本法。
- The other contracting party becomes liable to the agent on the contract. 另一方缔约当事人对代理人负有合同责任。
- So significant is the contractual nature of the GAIT that its members are referred to as Contracting Parties. GATT的契约性质是如此显著,以致它的成员们被称为缔约方。
- GATT had "contracting parties", underscoring the fact that officially GATT was a legal text. 关贸总协定有"缔约方",强调了关贸总协定正式而言是一个法律文本。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- A contract may be referred to as executed (one fully performed by the contracting parties) or executory (one that is yet to be performed). 合同可以被称作已完成的(合同已被合同方完全履行)及实施中的(合同将履行)。