- continuum damage model 连续损伤模型
- Continuum damage mechanics and micromechanics-based approaches were usually used in mechanical model researching. 力学模型研究主要有连续损伤力学和细观力学两种方法。
- The results prove that Continuum Damage Mechanics model can describe the cumulation and development of damage more accurately. 分析结果表明,连续损伤模型能更合理地描述材料蠕变损伤的累积发展过程。
- Based on the continuum damage mechanics, an anisotropic elasto-damage model for predicting the residual strength of concrete under tension fatigue loading is presented. 基于连续体损伤力学理论,建立了各向异性混凝土抗拉疲劳剩余强度衰减模型。
- Made ECs damage model induced by DS. 建立DS诱导的内皮细胞损伤模型。
- Theories of elasticity,plasticity,thermoplasticity,thermoviscoplasticity,continuum damage are often used to develop constitutive models for engineering materials. 现在,弹性、塑性、热塑性、热粘塑性、连续介质损伤理论等常常被用来建立工程材料的本构模型。
- The damage zone development and damage evolution ahead of a crack tip in an dutile metal specimen are studied from the viewpoint of continuum damage mechanics. 从连续介质损伤力学的基本理论出发,研究了金属试件中裂纹尖端损伤区的发展和区内损伤的演变。
- Methods:We established an immunized mouse liver damage model through injection of BCG and LPS. 方法:采用BCG+LPS联合诱发小鼠免疫性肝损伤的方法复制动物模型。
- The existing damage model of concrete has a common defect, i , e, lacking of additivity. 目前所建立的砼损伤模型都有一个共同的不足之处即其所描述的损伤缺乏可加性。
- The Burch empirical damage model and Schonberg-Williamsen empirical hole size model are firstly reviewed in this paper. 穿孔孔径是研究弹丸超高速撞击下航天器舱壁撞击损伤的重要参数之一。
- Fatigue model of concrete based on continuum damage mechanics 基于损伤力学的混凝土疲劳损伤模型
- From then, a general ductile damage model is proposed based on the micromechanism. 经计算结果与试验结果比较表明,模型可靠,可用于工程实 际。
- Krajcinovic D,Fanella D.A micromechanical damage model for concrete [J].Eng Fract Mech ,1986(25):585596. 杨米加;贺永年.;岩体裂隙结构模型及其渗流规律研究[J]
- Simplified Continuum Damage Mechanics Model for Concrete 一种简化的混凝土损伤本构模型及其应用
- When adopting FEA to model, DFC could not only apply into incremental approach with a fully coupled elastic and plastic damage model, but to one step inverse approach. 利用有限元方法模拟时,韧性断裂准则既可以应用到完全耦合的弹塑性损伤模型的增量方法中,也可以应用到一步有限元逆算法中。
- The changes of calcium (Ca2+), calmodulin (CaM) and phosphodi-esterase (PDE) were tested in the brain damage model of newborn pigs hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). 通过新生猪缺或缺血性脑损伤模型;检测了脑皮质组织钙、钙调素含量以及磷酸二脂酶活性的变化;探讨在缺氧缺血性脑损伤过程中以上三指标的改变.
- continuum damage mechanics (CDM) 损伤力学
- And with the introduction of the Modulus of Elasticity from Budiansky method, the general damage model of rock blasting is established in the paper. 引入了自洽法有效弹性模量,建立了爆破作用的岩石损伤的全过程模型。
- A dynamic module damage model was built to predict the dynamic strength and maximum dynamic module of the silty clay after every freeze thaw cycle. 建立了动模量损失模型,能够预测每一次冻融循环后的动强度和最大动模量。
- In view of the anisotropic damage characteristics of concrete under multiaxial stress state, an anisotropic elastoplastic damage model is presented. 针对混凝土多轴应力状态下各向异性损伤的特点,建立了各向异性弹塑性损伤模型。