- A continuous signal, or sound, of one particular frequency. 一种具有特定频率的连续信号或声音。
- We replace the continuous signal with a series of values at fixed intervals. 我们用一系列固定间隔处的值代替连续信号。
- A unit capable of converting digital signals into a continuous signal ready for input into an analog computer. 将数字信号转换成连续信号(模拟量)的设备,它为将信号输入模拟计算机作准备。
- This circuit can guarantee the normal work of APD in large variation of temperature, it is very suited to the photoelectric system for the high-frequency and continuous signal detection. 该电路能在温度大幅度变化的情况下保证APD正常工作,适合于高频连续信号检测的光电系统。
- continuous signal information content 连续信号信息量
- a continuous signal,or sound,of one particular frequency 一种具有特定频率的连续信号或声音
- It can display not only continuous signals but also opart of the signals on an expanded time base so that the high and the low frequency components of the signals can be observed simultaneously. 这种方式既可以显示连续信号,又可以用扩展的时基显示该信号中的任一部分,这样就可以同时观察到信号的高、低频成份。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- Approximated Reconstruction Formula for Continuous Signal 连续信号的近似重构公式
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Let's set the clock by the radio time signal. 咱们照着收音机的报时信号把钟对一对。
- A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
- A continuous inked ribbon used on output units. 在输出设备(如打印机)上使用的一种连续上油墨的色带。
- The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要连续不断地供血。
- A channel over which pilot signal is transmitted. 可在其上传输导频信号的一种信道。
- frequency spectrum of continuous signals 连续信号的频谱
- The signal was picked up by a downrange radar station. 该信号被试验飞行方向之内的雷达站收到了。
- A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块