- continuing study course 进修班
- Ms.Oster found a large, continuing study of hepatitis B in rural China. 奥斯特得知对中国农村地区的乙肝问题正在进行一项广泛的持续性研究。
- There was a student who was desirous of taking admission for a study course. 有一位渴望符合学习课程入学条件的学生。
- The media studies course is partly about films. 传理系的课程包括电影。
- Many of them need continued study. 许多问题还需要继续研究。
- You can enrol in one training or study course of up to three months duration during your visit. 可以在停留期间参加一个最长到三个月的学习课程.
- Psychosocial intervention was introduced into the sutdy group during the soma to\|therapy in the study course. 研究组在躯体治疗同时,加用心理社会干预,对照组只进行躯体治疗,三个月治疗结束后进行疗效评定。
- Professor Erving Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania is involved in a continuing study of the way people behave in social interaction. 交谈着的两个人的亲密程度,动作上的互相接近或疏远以及两个人目光接触的次数及接触时间的长短,所有这一切都能表明两人之间是哪一种关系。一般我们对社会行为的种种规范和礼仪,即使知道该怎么做,也常常是通过下意识才意识到的。
- Chinese medicine study course in tenontology developed gradually to form an important branch of Chinese orthopaedics and traumatology. 摘要中医筋伤学是在中医骨伤学的基础上,逐步发展面形成重要的分支学科。
- It try to simulate the real examination for student to learn and test at same time and it provide a good environment for learn self shortcoming in study course. 它尽量的模拟了真实的考试,为同学们时学时练,及时掌握自己学习中的不足提供了很好的环境。
- We continue studying new words and expressions. 我们继续学习生词和短语。
- In the interview, master architect Xu Shangzhi talked about his growing experience, study course, and the master works which he presided at during his practicing years. 摘要建筑大师徐尚志给我们讲述了他的成长经历、求学过程以及执业后的几十年间他主持创作的重要作品。
- In the interview,master architect Xu Shangzhi talked about his growing experience, study course,and the master works which he presided at during his practicing years. 建筑大师徐尚志给我们讲述了他的成长经历、求学过程以及执业后的几十年间他主持创作的重要作品。
- I need continue studying hard go to Upp-Intermediate.!! 需要完成自己嘅心愿可以升级了.
- The latter research is based on the former result.If there is dishonsty in the nowaday reseach, continuous study will be blocked and the current problem of course can not be solved. 后人的研究是建立在前人研究的基础之上的,如果我们现在的科学研究不能够诚实,后续的研究就会被阻碍,当然现存的问题也无法得到解决。
- Students must also enrol in the compulsory Foundation Studies course: Business and Government in a Global Context. 学生必须首先完成一门基础课程名为:以全球为背景的商务及相关规则。
- Several continuing studies suggest that worms may help to redirect an immune system that has gone awry and resulted in autoimmune disorders, allergies and asthma. 一些进一步的研究表明,对于已失败并导致自身免疫性疾病、过敏和哮喘的免疫系统,蠕虫可能有恢复免疫系统其正常的功能。
- Imagine bringing your child from zero to A-level standards in any subject in just one year of continuous study! 不妨想象自己的孩子在经过一年的不间断学习之后,某个科目的水平竟从零提升到A水准!
- Students explore ideas for laying out notes by writing notes on three texts from a business studies course. 学生通过对三篇摘自经济课程中的课文作笔记来提高自己安排笔记结构的思路。
- In recent years,the continued study and the application on bentonite has been further extended. 近年来对膨润土的不断研究和开发,进一步拓宽了其应用领域。