- Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line. 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。
- The old master didn't allow him to marry the girl he loved because that would disrupt the family line. 老爷子不允许他娶自己心爱的姑娘是怕坏了宗祧。
- Tradition favours boys over girls, because men are seen as the main family breadwinner and in China only a son can carry on the family line. 因为男人被视为主要的家庭负担家计的人而且在中国,只有一个儿子能继续家庭线,所以传统在女孩之上赞同男孩。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- For Dana, the other "bride", Chinese culture's stress on marrying and continuing the family line is precisely why the right to wed matters. 在另一位“新娘”妲娜看来,中国文化对结婚生子的强调,恰好切中结婚问题的要害。
- Rather, the reason most patients seek fertility treatment is to satisfy an emotional need ? usually to nurture another human being or perpetuate the family line. 早期,不育病人求医问药的原因是满足心理上的需求-----通常是喂养另一个人类或是延续家庭。
- I found this old map in the family archives. 我在家谱中发现了这幅旧地图。
- My brother is the black sheep of the family. 我弟弟是我们家的害群之马。
- If one were really worried that the family line will be extinguished,one would only be allowed to adopt a child from within the family. How could one allow in someone with a different family name and allow the ancestral line to be deranged. 假如你真的是怕绝嗣,也只准就从他们里面拣一个过来承继,岂可异姓乱宗!
- The good news pleased the family mightily. 这个好消息使全家人高兴极了。
- There are two wage-earners in the family. 这家有两个人挣钱。
- The family go on vacation in florida. 全家去佛罗里达度假。
- A sholar's inkstone should be exquisite, but so should a businessman's. A concubine for pleasure should be beautiful, but so should also a concubine for continuing the family line. 闲人之砚固欲其佳,而忙人之砚尤不可不佳;娱情之妾固欲其美,而广嗣之妾亦不可不美。
- The family is the smallest social unit. 家庭是社会最小的单位。
- The family is starting to disintegrate. 这个家庭要破裂了。
- If one were really worried that the family line will be extinguished, one would only be allowed to adopt a child from within the family. How could one allow in someone with a different family name and allow the ancestral line to be deranged. 假如你真的是怕绝嗣,也只准就从他们里面拣一个过来承继,岂可异姓乱宗!
- The family lived a precarious existence. 这家人过着朝不保夕的生活。
- According to evolutionary theory, women living in poorer communities are predisposed to have daughters to ensure survival of the family line because the men are at greater risk of dying younger. 根据进化论,女人生活在比较贫困的族群中,生女儿机率较高,以确保家族能代代相传,因为男人英年早逝的风险较高。
- Every one of the family has a car. 家里每个人都有车。
- Her death was a great distress to all the family. 她去世後全家人极为悲痛。