- Free text field available to the message sender for information. 留给报文发送方自由填写信息的字段。
- If (X,a) is a pair of symbols of any context free grammar, then there is at most one generalized precedence relation between X aad a. 在分析速度和占用内存方面,广义优先文法与弱优先文法相似,但前者包含的文法类更广。
- If( X, a) is a pair of symbols of any context free grammar, then there is at most one generalized precedence relation between X aad a. 指出基因表达式编程和仅含有单个非终结符的上下文无关文法在描述能力上是等价的。
- This includes free text search on all the metadata available, including IPTC and XMP. 这包括自由文本搜索所有可用的元数据,包括国际报业电信委员会和XMP 。
- You can modify the name and type (for example, if the name was misspelled), and then you can enter the notes of the inspection as free text. 可以修改名称和类型(例如,如果名称拼写错误),然后即可以自由文本方式输入检查注释。
- Some role playing PBM games also include an element whereby the player may describe actions of their characters in a free text form. 一些角色扮演的邮递式游戏会包含著游戏者可以以自由文字的形式描述角色的行动的原素。
- LFC is different from otherfunctional languages in that LFC uses context free language (CFL) as its basic datatype and the theory of CFRF (Recursive Function defined on Context-Freelanguages) as its theoretical basis. 作为一种函数式语言,LFC 语言具有函数式语言共有的特点,而 LFC 语言与其它函数式语言不同的地方在于其将上下文无关语言(CFL)作为基本的数据类型,其理论基础是上下文无关语言递归函数(CFRF)理论。
- A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations. 一个资源的隐标签用于制作该资源的视觉标志,且该标志仍可以通过自由文本搜索来找到。
- This essay summarizes the effects, problems and solutions of Chinese parsing using CTT with a Chinese simple Context Free Grammar (CFG) after a brief introduction of the composition, several characteristics of the Copenhagen Tree Tracer (CTT) program. 本文简要介绍了自然语言处理的图形接口软件CTT(Copenhagen Tree Tracer),并介绍了利用它在简单的CFG形式化体系下做汉语自动句法分析的状况、存在问题、解决办法。
- A free text message alerts, fee-free withdrawals place these "free lunches" was once a bank to attract customers for the bank card or passbook "selling point. 本报讯 免费短信提醒、异地取款免手续费这些“免费午餐”曾经是银行吸引客户办理银行卡或者存折的“卖点”。
- On the basis of the formalizable characteristic of music rhythm, a probabilistic context free grammar (PCFG) system was defined to describe the relatively independent music rhythm elements. 基于音乐节奏本身具有可被形式化的特性,定义了一个概率上下文无关文法(PCFG)系统来描述相对独立的音乐节奏元素。
- Metaobject parsing is a formalized method, which is used for system comprehension of the procedure-oriented legacy software.The method is based on object-oriented context free grammar. 元对象分析法是理解面向过程遗产软件系统的一种形式化方法,这种方法以面向对象的上下文无关文法为基础。
- Free text information. Client information or any other freer texttivates lhe order, place to the market. 未生效的指令。除非用户启动此指令递交给市场否则为不可交易指令。
- The application should also help him out: Data items, such as part numbers, that must be valid shouldn’t be entered through free text fields, but instead should be entered via type-ahead (auto-completion) fields or bounded controls such as drop-downs. 该应用程序还可以为这名录入员提供进一步的帮助,比如,严格要求必须有效的数字不应该在自由文本字段中键入,而是应该通过自动完成的方式、列表视图或者其他受限控件进行输入。
- Pre-defined message format shall be used whenever possible. Free text messages shall only be used when appropriate pre-defined messages do not exist, or as a supplement to pre-defined messages. 尽可能使用固定格式报文。自由格式报文只能用于固定格式报文的补充,或当没有合适的固定格式报文可用时。
- context free phrase structure grammar 上下文无关短语结构语法
- Other free texts on subjects including linear algebra and oceanography are also available at globaltext.org. 各种不同主题的免费文本包括线性数学和海洋学也可以在全球文本官方网站找到。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- A Chinese Parser Based on Probabilistic Context Free Grammar 一种基于概率上下文无关文法的汉语句法分析
- Natural Language and Free Text Queries 自然语言和自由文本查询