- Now it has been enriched and developed in terms of its contents and forms. 到了现代,无论是内容还是形式都有了丰富和发展。
- The unity of content and form are masterfully tendered in these works. 法度谨严,雄健古朴。
- The Contents and forms of tendance service for senior citizens in developed countries are various. 发达国家老年照护服务的内容和形式是多种多样的。
- To improve the effect of ideological and political education, education contents and forms must be innovated. 摘要要提高思想政治工作的效果,就必须创新教育内容和教育形式。
- The contents and forms of the publicizing of lawyers’ fees shall be subject to the uniform provisions of the municipal price department. 律师服务收费公布的内容和方式按照市价格管理部门的统一规定执行。
- This issue sums up its theories and fulfillments and expects to consummate the contents and forms of the civil servant training. 本文就拓展训练的有关内容及其在公务员培训中的应用进行探讨,以期完善公务员培训的内容和形式,实现提高公务员能力和素质的目标。
- Theories should be transferred into mass practice with innovations in both contents and form of ideological propaganda. 理论要化为群众的实践,则需要意识形态宣传工作的内容创新和形式创新。
- The examination contents and form shall be separately fixed by the administrative department of health under the State Council. 考试的内容和办法由国务院卫生行政部门另行制定。
- As absolute faithfulness is impossible, what we call "the total equivalence of content and form" is just a relative concept. 摘要翻译要做到绝对忠实是不可能的,因而所谓“内容形式全面对等”的翻译只能是相对的概念。
- The ideal situation is to classroom teaching content and form a perfect combination. 理想的课堂教学情境就是内容和形式的完美结合。
- The key to achieve dynamic equilibrium of translation is to deal well with the relation ship between content and form. 要达到翻译的动态对等,关键是处理好形意间的平衡关系。
- It is imitative of Nietzsche's masterpiece Also Sprach Zarathustra, both in content and form. 它在思想内容和艺术形式两方面都体现出了明显的受尼采影响的痕迹;
- The article illustrates the importance of archivist post training, its type, content and form. 文章阐述档案人员岗位培训的重要性以及岗位培训类型、培训内容、培训形式。
- With the constant breaching of the opening ceremony in content and form, it interferes with many aspects. 随着表演内容和表演形式的不断突破和创新,其涉及到的范围和领域也越来越广泛。
- The rich and various contents and forms of sport activities in the Tang dynasty exhibited the spirit of continuous exploration and incessant renovation. 唐代体育内容丰富,形式多样,展示出不断开拓、不断创新的精神风貌。
- Conclusion: The nurse should pay attention an the research on the contents and form of middle male aged diabetes patients health education . 结论:护士应重视对中年男性糖尿病患者健康教育内容和形式的研究,以达到健康教育的最终目标。
- In modern society, where "the leisure times" is drawing near, the contents and forms of leisure take on a greater diversity and colorfulness than ever before. 在“休闲时代”即将到来的当代社会,休闲的内容和形式呈现出前所未有的丰富性和多样性。
- The paper confirms the rhetorical position on content and form discussed in A Rhetorical Inquiry to the Relation of Contirt and Form. 札记》充分肯定了《思考》一书就修辞的内容与形式关系展开的论述的主要观点,认为构建了一个颇有创意的框架,其中第三章“内容与形式结合的层次性”把内容与形式同能指与所指、面与辞里结合起来分析,更见创意。
- In Yuan dynasty, monogamy and polygamy coexist. People at that time paid special attention to the content and form of marriage certificate. 元代婚姻实行一夫一妻和一夫多妻并存,在婚姻成立的要件与缔结制度中,特别注重婚书的内容与形式的撰写;
- The book is rich in content and succinct in style. 这本书内容丰富,文字简练。