- A contention of mouth and tongue 口舌之争
- It is applicable for infantile convulsion and epilepsy, irritability and insomnia due to exuberant heart-fire, and sore throat and canker sores of mouth and tongue due to sthenic fire and heart-toxin. 心火亢盛引起的心神不安,心烦失眠;及实火热毒引起的咽喉肿痛,口舌生疮。
- His mouth and tongue had been affected. 他的嘴和舌受到了影响。
- reconstruction of mouth and tongue 口底及舌重建
- But the mouth and tongue beyond them were warm and moist. 但是,嘴和舌头却出乎他们意料的温暖和湿润。
- The sicca syndrome was mostly appeared as dryness of mouth and eye clinically. 干燥综合征以口干、眼干等为主要临床特征。
- He picked many chillies and began to eat them but the chillies were hot and his mouth and tongue began to burn. 他摘了很多辣椒开始吃了起来,辣椒很辣,他的嘴和舌头都被辣得发起烧来。
- Someone says that eating raw celery lacks responsiveness of your mouth and tongue. 有人声称吃生芹菜会让嘴巴和舌头发麻。
- If anything the pasteurization causes enough of the enzymes to cancel such that the juice does not digest one's mouth and tongue in the consumption. 如果任何一种果汁在巴氏消毒法中被清除了够多的酶,这样的果汁不能在食用时在你的嘴和舌头上消化。
- Try to find out the correct mouth and tongue positions for making these sounds and practice saying words containing them. 尽量尝试去发现这些发音的正确口型及舌头位置,并通过反复训练来巩固正确的发音。
- Your big mouth and glib tongue are spouting all kinds of nonsense. 你只靠一张油嘴,胡说八道。
- He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头的消息。
- I have informed them by word of mouth. 我已口头通知他们了。
- I have informed him by word of mouth. 我已口头通知他了。
- Insufficiency of body fluid may cause the clinical manifestations: dryness of the mouth and throat, dry lips and tongue, subsidence of eyes, dry skin, scanty urine, constipation, a red tongue with scanty saliva and thready, rapid pulse. 津液亏虚可以导致以下的临床表现:口干、干、舌干燥、眶凹陷,皮肤干燥、少、秘、红少苔和脉细数。
- The study of English requires effort and contention of mind. 学习英语需要勤奋和精神上的毅力。
- He cupped his hands around his mouth and called. 他将手掌在嘴边弯成杯形喊叫。
- Open your mouth and let me see your tongue,please. 张开嘴,让我瞧瞧你的舌头。
- The method and content of ERM are discussed. 探讨了环境风险管理的内容与方法。
- Results The content of urine iodine and goiter r... 结论高水碘已对天津市小学生甲状腺造成了影响。