- Hackers can use external content as Web beacons. 黑客可以将外部内容作为Web信号。
- I took his smile as meaning yes. 我认为他的微笑意味着赞同。
- You might think of rvalue as meaning read value. 您可以把右值看作是读取的值。
- He is every bit as mean as she is. 他完全与她同样平庸
- All web site content as well as the entire web site is copyrighted. 所有本网站的内容及网站本身都受版权保护。
- We license our content as free with attribution back to the ODP. 我们与归属作为免费准许我们的内容回到ODP。
- They construed her silence as meaning that she agreed. 他们把她的沉默解释为表示赞同。
- This thesis arranges for the content as follows:Preamble. 本文对人本管理研究的内容安排如下:序言。
- You might think of lvalue as meaning location value. 您可以把左值看作是位置值。
- Underneath, she's about as mean and sti ngy as anybody can be. 实际上,她比谁都刻薄和小气。”
- Contain the same content as the value of the type returned by reflection. 所返回的值与反射所返回的类型的值包含相同的内容。
- Parentheses force the parser to interpret the content as an expression. 小括号强制解析器把其中的内容看作表达式。
- content as meaning 作为意义的内容
- Pastes Clipboard contents as a series. 将“剪贴板”内容作为系列粘贴。
- I must fly home to the Flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull. 我应该飞回到鸥群里去,安安分分做一只可怜的、天赋有限的海鸥。
- Put yourself in my place; feel as mean as I did, as ashamed as I felt. 请你设身处地替我想一想吧,像我那么无地自容,那么羞愧难当。
- Posting titles should be as descriptive of their content as possible. 发贴题目应该尽可能的详细描述发帖的内容。
- He was a trifling worthless fellow, and as mean a man as ever wore a crown. 他是个轻浮无德的人,是历来最卑鄙的一个君主。
- Old Amons is as mean as a miser but it wouldn't surprise me if he cut up for a million pounds. 老爱莫和守财奴一样吝啬,他留下百万英镑的遗产不足为奇。
- Note: Dopping elements and their contents as request. 注:掺杂元素及其含量按客户要求调整。