- Some other contemporary people I would place in this Level III category include: Noam Chomsky, Carl Sagan, E.O. 其实历史告诉我们,社会中的规范和传统,包括学术的规范和传统,都远比任何人想象的要脆弱。
- The food is 'modified to the needs of contemporary people who need to eat healthy and green,' the menu brags, and that's not hyperbole. 菜单上的每道菜都有照片,而且配有英文翻译,上面宣称:这里的菜肴“根据现代人对健康和绿色的需求进行了调整”。
- Moreover, after a fashion, to play Guqin helps contemporary people to be more traditionally and aesthetically cultivated. 而且它在一定程度上增添了当代人的传统文化和审美素养。
- It results in eating cultural snack flourishing and severely affects contemporary people's reading habit, including the university students of today. 它导致了速食文化快餐的盛行,严重地影响着当代人的阅读习惯,当今的大学生更是首当其冲地受到影响。
- It results in eating cultural snack flourishing and severely affects contemporary people's reading habit,including the university students of today. 它导致了速食文化快餐的盛行,严重地影响着当代人的阅读习惯,当今的大学生更是首当其冲地受到影响。
- Break out jumps out the special design of convention,and condenses the life-force of stay idle at home and should become the requirement with ten thousand of contemporary people. 跳出常规的特别设计,凝聚家居的生命力,表现更多更广的生活内涵,应和现代人的万变需求。
- Such rapidness make results of individuals’ action emerge immediately upon performance, which accompanies the evaluation and confirmation of contemporary people . 我认为社会的快速发展导致名人的泡沫效应,过后名人就被忘记了,例如超女。
- Popular fashion is the explicit expression of contemporary people mentation in high quality life, each period has its distinctive theme, be in all the time producing new change. 流行时尚是高品质生活中当代人们心理状态的外在表现,每一时期都有其独特的主题,每时每刻都在发生着新的变化。
- Plagiarism which has become atopic of public concern.It represents not only the personal qualities,it also reflects the spiritual content of contemporary people. 在这个物欲横流的社会中Plagiarism in the dictionary meaning is:stealing other people's work as their own.
- "Our goal with this recording is to provide a musical catalyst which can serve as a ritual and ceremonial tool for contemporary people searching for a way to reconnect with ancient wisdom. 我们做这张专辑的目的在于提供一种音乐的催化剂,让它作为一种宗教和仪式的手段,成为希望与远古智慧对话的现代人的桥梁。
- Jumps out the special design of conventionand congenses the life-force of funiture .Show sevenmore wider life intension and caters to thounds of requirements from contemporary people! 跳出常规的特别设计,凝聚家居的生命力,表现更多更广的生活内涵,迎合现代人的多变需求!
- Marlowe was contemporary with Shakespeare. 马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。
- People become uninhibited when they drink. 人一喝酒就会变得肆无忌惮。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜欢与自己的同龄人交往。
- This play is the image of contemporary urban life. 这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray. 狄更斯与萨克莱属于同一时代。