- Marcuse"s Memory and imagination of the theory is conclusion of the analysis and critical the contemporary capitalism. 马尔库塞回忆、想象理论的形成是对发达工业社会分析和批判的必然结果。
- Western Marxists deem that the contemporary capitalism is a national capitalism which is different from non-monopoly capitalism and it enters a new capitalist era. 西方马克思主义者认为,当代资本主义社会是国家资本主义,是一种有别于自由资本主义时代的资本主义新时代。
- The essence of economic globalization is the economic globalization of contemporary capitalism, accordingly, contain capitalist impress and limit inevitably. 经济全球化的实质是当代资本主义的经济全球化,因此,不可避免地带有资本主义的印记与局限。
- The change of condition of this kind of agriculture production, what can cause contemporary capitalism class to need rental capacity undoubtedly is fluctuant. 这种农业生产条件的变化,无疑会引起现代资本主义级差地租量的变动。
- Lastly, the author argues that the Taiwanese state should formulate plans in view of global, regional, and national politico-economic structures to survive and develop in the contemporary capitalism. 最后,本文认为,台湾应该从全球、区域、国家三个不同的层次著眼,制定政策与计画,才能在资本主义中求生与发展,而非追求流行的口号。
- Although partial somewhat, it is very peculiar and valuable that Jameson defines "postmodernism" as a new cultural logic which corresponds to a new stage of contemporary capitalism. 杰姆逊从马克思主义哲学的角度对“后现代主义”所作的细致考察虽有偏颇,但却有其自身特色和价值。
- The Contemporary Capitalism Is a Big Gambling House 当代资本主义是一个大赌场
- Economic Study of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义经济研究
- Economy of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义经济
- Analysis of Cause of Quick Development of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义迅速发展的原因探析
- Change and Unchangeableness of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义的变与不变
- Contemporary Capitalism in the Field of Vision of "World History" "世界历史"理论视野中的当代资本主义
- On Two Transient Approach from Contemporary Capitalism to Socialism 当代资本主义向社会主义过渡的两条途径
- Anthony Giddens'Criticism at Contemporary Capitalism 吉登斯对当代资本主义的批评
- On Developing Dynamics in the Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义发展动力探析
- Marlowe was contemporary with Shakespeare. 马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。
- The Root Cause and Essence of the New Changes of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义新变化的原因及其实质
- He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism. 他总是宣传资本主义的长处。
- New Cognition of the Relationship between Socialism and Contemporary Capitalism 社会主义与当代资本主义关系的新认识
- The Trend of Contemporary Capitalism Development in the Theory of World System 世界体系理论中的当代资本主义发展趋向