- contactless switchgears 无触点控制设备
- Beijing Machine Tool Switchgear Co., Ltd. 北京机床电器有限责任公司。
- Of the data page and contactless chips of the passport. 请参阅护照的个人资料页及非接触式晶片的。
- As for contactless card, the chip is embedded inside the card. 至于非接触式智能卡,晶片通常收藏于卡内。
- This paper presents the contactless control of flasher with triode. 提出了用三级管导通和截止实现闪光器的无触点控制。
- Aim Entrance guard system based on contactless IC card is designed. 摘要目的设计基于非接触式IC卡的门禁系统。
- Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: general rules. 低压开关设备和控制设备。第1部分:总则。
- Remove all foreign bodies from the switchgear panels. 清除柜内所有杂物。
- Check all switchgear accessories and the auxiliary equipment. 检查所有的开关柜的附件和辅助的设备。
- The auxiliary buses are normally composed of metal clad switchgear. 厂用母线由铠装开关装置组成。
- Obey servicing guide in specific instruction manual of switchgear. 遵守具体的开关装置说明书中的维护指导。
- Remove removing circuit-breaker to test position or switchgear out. 将断路器手车移至试验位置或移出柜外。
- Lift the switchgear vertically and separate it from the underpan. 利用柜顶的四只吊耳,将开关柜垂直吊起使其与底盘脱离。
- Temperature meters can be classified as contact and contactless types. 温度测量仪表按测温方式可分为接触式和非接触式两大类。
- Compliance with the conditions for indoor switchgear to correlative standard. 安装场所应满足相关标准的规定。
- Bus bars shall be of the same cross-sectional area throughout the switchgear. 整个开关柜的母线截面均应相同。
- Remove all material residues, foreign bodies and tools from the switchgear. 重新安装所有安装或调试过程中被移走的封板、电缆盖等;
- Operate lock key release lever, push the service truck from switchgear. 操作锁键释放杠杆,将维修小车从开关柜移开。
- A contactless detection system for the conical thread with the digital imaging processing technology was presented. 介绍了基于数字图像处理技术的锥螺纹非接触检测系统,数字图像处理技术主要包括图像的二值化、缘检测、廓提取及螺纹几何参数的计算等。