- If using fully contactless smart card system for parking fee collection, the total benefit is positive and higher then present state. 若路外停车收费全面使用单一悠游卡系统,则小汽车或者机车之总效益皆为正效益。
- As a result, the equivalent model of contactless smart card and the interrogator was accomplished, which was verified by the simulation of Hspice software. 最后,结合实际的电路设计参数,通过hspise仿真,验证采用此方法建立的非接触卡的等效模型是正确的。
- There will be two categories of ticket, SJT(single journey ticket) and SVT(store-value ticket), used in Shanghai metro AFC system.All tickets will use contactless smart card as the ticket media. 系统中的车票主要包括单程票和储值票两大类,全部使用非接触式IC卡作为车票介质,全路网内可以实现“一票换乘”。
- World Contactless Smart Card Markets 全球无接触智能卡市场分析
- This paper discusses the designing of ISO/IEC14443TYPE B card reader using Philips Contactless Smart Cards reader IC RC531,including the operation principle of TYPE B cards and the C51implementation of the card reader. 本文主要介绍使用Philips公司开发的非接触式智能卡(射频卡)读卡器芯片RC531读写符合ISO/IEC14443标准的TYPEB卡,包括TYPEB卡的操作原理和C51实现程序。
- Contactless smart cards(abbreviated as "CSC") have been popularly used as ticket media in automatic fare collection(abbreviated as "AFC") system of urban rail transit. 在城市轨道交通自动售检票系统中,非接触式智能卡已普遍被用作车票介质。
- Taiwan has also adopted the use of contactless smart cards due to their practicability and useful functions to accelerate our progress in moving into the direction of an information society. 非接触式智慧卡的技术与应用范畴在各先进国家皆日渐大势所趋,我国也欲藉由非接触式智慧卡功能的优异性来加速迈向资讯化社会。
- Time Clock Based on Developing Platform with ContactLess Smart Card (CLSC) 基于非接触智能卡开发平台的考勤机
- A New -Style Contactless Smart Card and Bar Code Ticket Automatic Fare Collection System for Metro IC卡-条码新型地铁自动售检票系统
- contactless smart card 非接触式智能卡
- Design and Implementation of Anticollision Model of Type B Contactless Smart Cards Type B非接触智能卡防冲突模型的设计与实现
- B: A Peony Smart Card can only be used online. 牡丹智能卡只能在网上银行使用。
- The end of the smart card file has been reached. 已达到智能卡文件的末端。
- Wrong Version of Smart Card Library used. 使用错误版本的智能卡库。
- The Smart card resource manager has shut down. 智能卡资源管理器已经关机。
- The Smart card resource manager is not running. 智能卡资源管理器没有运行。
- K. Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, John Wiley &Sons, Ltd., 2003 游战清,刘克胜,张义强,吴谷,”无线射频识别技术(RFID)规划与实施”,全华科技图书股份有限公司,2006年8月。
- The specified smart card name is not recognized. 不能识别指定的智能卡名称。
- No PSCR Smart Card reader found in the system. 在该系统中找不到PSCR智能卡读取器。
- No USB smart card reader found in the system. 在系统中没有找到USB智能卡读取器。